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South Monterey County Animal Rescue (SCAR) Board of Directors Application Form
Thank you for your interest in serving on the SCAR Board!

Mission Statement: South County Animal Rescue was established to provide rescue and assistance for domestic animals. Our goal is to significantly reduce the homeless population of domestic animals in South County through safe rescue and adoption services, awareness and education.  We strive to establish relationships with other rescue agencies and collaborate to save more lives
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number (textable): *
Street Address: *
City: *
Zip: *
Are you bilingual? *
How did you hear about SCAR/SCAR Board? *
What interests you about possibly joining the SCAR Board? *
If selected to join the Board, your name will be included on all IRS and Franchise Tax Board filings. Do you understand this? *
Do you have any animals? *
Do you have experience serving on a 501c3 Board? If so, please explain. *
What areas of expertise are you able to contribute to? (check any and all that are applicable) *
SCAR Board Members are expected to participate in events/activities. This includes fundraisers, vaccination clinics (if needed), meetings, adoption events (if needed), etc. Most events are planned with several months notice. Are you willing to commit to this? *
SCAR Board Members are not reimbursed for mileage,  unless under special circumstances and with prior Board approval. You will be asked to sign a driver release form. Do you understand this *
SCAR Board Members are asked to make an annual $200 contribution to SCAR, either financially or with in-kind services. This increases the number of grants we are eligible to apply for. Are you willing to donate $200 annually? *
Do you understand that SCAR does our best to help all dogs and cats, regardless of breed or medical ailment?  We work with partner rescues to help find placement when a SCAR foster or resources are not available. *
Do you have experience with QuickBooks? *
Please describe your Quickbooks experience:
Do you have any other treasurer or bookkeeper experience? *
If a role on our Board doesn't match with your interest, we are also always seeking volunteers for transports and events! Contact SCAR for a volunteer application!
WAIVER - I hereby grant and convey unto SCAR all rights, title and interest in all photographs, images and video or audio recordings made by SCAR (or provided by myself) during any SCAR activities. Please type your name below if you understand and agree to this agreement. *
WAIVER - I understand and agree that all information I have supplied to SCAR in my application and agreement, or elsewhere, is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge. Please type your name below if you understand this agreement. *
WAIVER - I understand and agree that I release SCAR from any and all liability of damage, injury, illness to my family, pets, friends, property or myself while I am volunteering as a Board member.  Please type your name below if you understand this agreement. *
WAIVER - I understand and agree that by entering my name below, I am electronically signing this document and agreement to adhere to all statements listed above. *
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