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Mane In Heaven Volunteer Application
Please note:  thanks for your interest in volunteering with us.  We will have our next informational meeting for potential volunteers in the first quarter of 2024.  We'll be in touch with a specific date and time.  
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Email *
Full Name *
Physical requirements to volunteer at the barn: Can you stand for 3 hours  without difficulty, bend, kneel without difficulty,  lift  35 pounds without difficulty? *
 Address *
Cell phone *
Birthday *
Days of the week that you are able to volunteer: *
What times are you available to volunteer? *
Are you able to meet the volunteer requirement of 2 times per month?
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Employment Information, either current or past: *
Briefly describe your horse experience, if any. *
What other skills or work background do you have that could benefit the organization? (Grant writing, marketing, fundraising, finance/budget, bus driving, photography, previous volunteer work, etc.) *
Please note:  thanks for your interest in volunteering with us.   Someone will be reaching out to you within the next 7 to 10 days. 
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