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Campbell HS Dual Language Academy Application
School Year 2021-2022
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By submitting this form, I am agreeing that my child can participate in the Campbell HS Dual Language Academy (CDLA) listed below:

I understand that admission into the program will be determined by an admissions committee comprised of teachers and administrators at Campbell High School, and I acknowledge that admission to the selected academy requires a four-year commitment. Student wanting to be considered for admission into the Dual Language Academy must:
1. Apply during their 8th grade year;
2. Complete a 1-2 minute video explaining why are interested in the academy experience.
Dual Language Academy selection committee may request additional information from 8th grade teachers.

CDLA students living outside of the Campbell attendance zone must apply for HB-251.
(Transportation is not provided, and acceptance for HB-251 does NOT automatically guarantee acceptance into CDLA)

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