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Texas Academic Pentathlon Registration Form
Please fill in the registration form each year. You may use this link to order your MATERIALS:
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
New or Updated Registration?
ISD Name
Your answer
School Name
Your answer
School Address 1
Your answer
School Address 2
Your answer
Your answer
ZIP Code
Your answer
Please indicate how many 8th grade teams you are registering below ($500 per team - $400 PER SCHOOL for materials):
Your answer
Please indicate how many 7th grade teams you are registering below ($500 per team - $400 PER SCHOOL for materials):
Your answer
Please indicate how many 6th grade teams you are registering below ($500 per team - $400 PER SCHOOL for materials):
Your answer
Coach(es) Name(s) (separate with / only)
Your answer
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