In-Class Speech (or Paper) Builder: Introduction, Transitions, and Conclusion Example
This form was created to help you develop the beginning transitions and ending for your next speech.
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Your informative speech beginning and transition
You need to:
Gain attention (idea: Tell a story or ask a question related to your speech.)
Give your topic (example: My topic is...)
Give your credibility (example: I have played/participated/researched...)
Give a one sentence summary of your three main points (example: Today I am going to share 1st, where I play, 2nd, who I play with, and 3rd, my most memorable competition.)
Tell the audience why it is important to listen to your speech (example: This will help you know more about...)
Give a transition to your first main point (example: Let me begin with my first main point.)
Gain attention *
Tell a story or ask a question related to your speech.
Give topic *
Give a short statement to introduce your topic (example: My topic is...)
Your credibility statement *
Give your credibility statement (example: I have played/participated/researched...)
Summarize main points *
Give a one sentence summary of your main points (example: Today I am going to share 1st, where I play, 2nd, who I play with, and 3rd, my most memorable competition.)
Important to listen *
Tell the audience why it is important for them to listen to your speech (example: This will help you know more about...)
Transition to first main point *
Give a transition to your first main point (example: Let me begin with my first main point.)
Presentation beginning agreement *
I fully realize and agree that my speech must begin with all of the above information to be clear and memorable.
Presentation transitions agreement *
I fully realize and agree that my speech must contain transitions connecting all three main points to be clear and memorable.
Speech conclusion
You need to:
Signal the ending (Say, "In conclusion," "To end," "To finish my speech," etc.)
Repeat your topic word for word in past tense (example: My topic was...)
Repeat main points word for word in past tense (example Today I shared 1st, where I play, 2nd, who I play with, and 3rd, my most memorable competition.)
Repeat word for word in past tense why it is important for classmates to listen to your speech (example: Now you know more about...)
Signal ending *
Signal the ending (Say, "In conclusion," "To end," "To finish my speech," etc.)
Repeat your topic *
Repeat your topic word for word in past tense (example: My topic was...)
Repeat main points *
Repeat main points word for word in past tense (e.g. Today I shared 1st, where I play, 2nd, who I play with, and 3rd, my most memorable competition.)
Repeat importance *
Repeat word for word in past tense why it is important for classmates to listen to your speech (example: Now you know more about...)
Speech ending agreement *
I fully realize and agree that my speech must end with all of the above information to be clear and effective.
Go to your email to retrieve your submitted responses
Go to the email you submitted above to retrieve your responses. Then copy and paste these into your speech script.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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