Wormhole Campus Application
You need to fill out this form to apply for WHC Membership. If you have questions, please contact Enta en Bauldry.
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Your Name: *
Please provide a link to your forum profile. *
Click on your name on the forums to reach your profile page.
Are you currently taking part in any of the following campuses or groups? *
How long do you think you will stay in WHC?
Note: At least one week minimum is recommended -but not required- to get to know the campus.
Required Skills and Information
Please answer these questions honestly. They are important for your and the campus' experience.
Astrometrics Skill Level *
Astrometrics Pinpointing Skill Level *
Astrometrics Rangefinding Skill Level *
Astrometrics Acquisition Skill Level *
Battlecruisers Skill Level *
Enter your highest battlecruiser skill out of the four races.
Select a three-letter identifier for yourself. *
Choose three letters from your name. Examples: Enta en Bauldry // ETB, ENT, EBA, EBD, ETY. Any one of these will do.
Can you fit and fly with any tech 2 tank? *
Other Questions
If you could bring two ships to WHC, what would you choose? *
Note: You may bring in more than stated here. Your ships may be confiscated if you are inactive for more than three months.
Have you read and understood the rules regarding WH etiquette and alts as outlined on the Wormhole Campus wiki page? *
Would you like to be assigned a buddy? *
If so, a buddy will be assigned to you who will aid you throughout your first weeks in campus, answer any questions you might have and provide information on our inner workings.
If you want a buddy, which timezone do you play on?
Examples: 8:00-12:00, US TZ, Amsterdam
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