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ABW Postnatal Yoga Student Info
Hello and welcome to the fourth trimester! Now is the time to take a step back and focus on healing from the inside out.

 A lot has happened in your body since childbirth, this class is designed to  help you manage the adjustments while healing your body. You will focus on healing your mind and body postpartum while reconnecting to your core and your SELF after becoming a parent. This class is for beginners as well as those experienced in yoga.  Come and relax while you provide yourself a gentle means of movement and mindfulness.
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Date of Birth
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Let me know the best way to keep in contact with you whether that be through a social media app, email, or even text message. I do like to follow my students on social media so please provide those as well.
What do you hope to get out of postnatal yoga?
Do you have any physical restrictions?
Tell me more about you + pregnancy/birth/or postpartum that you feel like I should know so I can better serve you as your teacher.
I host 1 live class a month every month on a Wednesday from 8-8:45pm CST and then 3 recorded classes a month ranging from 10-30 minutes. You can purchase a package or just do a monthly membership!
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Pilates Body On Demand is an app service I upload prenatal and postpartum classes to. You can try the app for free for 1 month by creating a profile and using the code ABWYOGA. You can go to to see my videos along with tons of other pilates, barre, bounce, and recovery videos.
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For class I recommend bringing all the equipment. We don’t always use all of these props but they are nice to have on hand if you need them; 2 yoga blocks- I highly recommend having them because they can make a big difference in helping you find a comfortable practice in yoga. If you can’t get blocks, grab a stool or a hard surface to place your hands on. Pillows- 1-2 couch pillows and 1-2 bed pillows, Towel, Blanket, Strap                                              
I look forward to helping you on your journey into postpartum
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