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IAB SA Audio & Video Committee Nomination Form

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) South Africa empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. Its membership is comprised of more than 150 leading media companies, brands and technology firms responsible for enabling excellence in digital marketing that focuses on identifying and targeting audiences, delivering and optimising campaigns to these audiences and the innovation and selling of such activities.

IAB South Africa enables growth for its people, agencies, brands, publishers and platforms through education, measurement and acknowledgement. 

IAB South Africa's long-term approach towards understanding the consumer and ensuring that marketers and the clients they serve are customer-ready by 2030 is focused on asking critical questions to find effective solutions for the industry.    

To ensure that IAB South Africa consistently and systematically safeguards and propels the lasting success of our members, we have identified five key priorities that must be resolved for the long-term health of the interactive advertising industry. These include: 

  1.  Building Brands Digitally. Leading brands to embrace the new digital media mix by making it easier to buy, sell, create, deploy and measure engaging digital advertising. 

  2.  Putting Users First. Guiding standards that provide choices for marketers, content providers and consumers, and optimising user experiences. 

  3. Making Sense of Measurement. Creating a consistent approach to measuring and assessing digital media, and empowering marketers to create powerful cross-screen branding campaigns based on educated decisions and accountable investments.

  4.  Publisher Transformation. Ensuring the value of publishers’ audiences is realised and diversified revenue streams are commonplace.

  5.  Trustworthy Digital Supply Chain. Providing a transparent, liquid and safe marketplace for digital advertising and marketing transactions.


The IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee seeks to empower industry stakeholders on audio and video as effective tools and channels for advertising. 


  • Research (Audio)

  • Research (Video)

  • Data & Measurement (Audio)

  • Data & Measurement (Video)

  • Creative Agency

  • Media Agency

  • Publisher

  • Platform

  • Brand

  • Legal and Regulatory


  • Support and address industry needs and challenges for the use and implementation of audio and video in the marketing mix by collectively discovering new solutions and approaches that address these needs 

  • Prepare for and address the current and future digital impact of audio and video to enable informed decision-making


  • Enable growth through measurement and research into audio and video, empowering the industry to meet consumers where they will be in the next five years

  • Provide credible education and resources to assist marketers with decision-making

  • Establish a Centre of Excellence for the IAB South Africa, key stakeholders and the wider industry, where approaches and tools related to audio and video, amongst others, can be explored and discussed


Please nominate yourself or an industry colleague to take a seat on the IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee on behalf of your IAB South Africa Member Organisation. Nominations close on 15 March 2024.

We look forward to your contribution towards the growth of the industry through IAB South Africa.

Razia Pillay, CEO, IAB South Africa

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If the nominee is not yourself, please provide your email address. *
Nominee's first name: *
Nominee’s last name: *
Nominee's job title *
Nominee's company name: *
Nominee’s email address: *
Link to the nominee’s LinkedIn profile:
Short biography of the nominee: *
Is the nominee’s company a member of the IAB South Africa? (Note: Only employees of IAB South Africa Member Organisations can take up seats on an IAB South Africa Council or Committee) *
What value would you/the nominee like to gain from the IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee should you/the nominee be selected to be on the Committee? *
What key challenge or gap in the industry would you/the nominee like to see addressed by the IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee? *
How can you/the nominee assist the IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee to achieve this? *
Which seat on the IAB South Africa Audio & Video Committee would your/the nominee’s expertise be most relevant for? *
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