A Love Letter to Bernie
Let's make a commitment to long-term grassroots organizing for fundamental change. Scroll down to the bottom to sign on!

Dear Bernie,

We are amongst the millions of donors and hundreds of thousands of activists who have pushed your campaign forward against seemingly unbeatable odds. What can we say? We love you. Some of us have felt this way for years, as we watched your long march from maverick Mayor of Burlington, VT to solo socialist in the US Senate. Some of us were only more recently smitten by your bolt-from-the-blue presidential campaign, which has injected life and hope, and a small bird, into the lifeless and hopeless American political landscape. This is a happy moment for our relationship. We are slowly turning the tide against the liberal machine in the primaries, riding high on a surge of popular support.

Things are good right now, but we want to talk about the future. We want something long-term, we want to make something together that is built to last. We want to talk about how we can turn this moment into a movement.

This is a hard conversation for many of us to have. We’ve been hurt before. Many of us have developed a deep and healthy mistrust in electoral politics, moving to workplace and community organizing to build popular power. There is a reason for this. Many of us poured our hearts into the presidential bids of the Rainbow Coalition, or the long-shot campaigns of Ralph Nader and other Green Party candidates. Many of us turned out to put Obama in the White House on the backs of what was until then the largest grassroots mobilization in a presidential election in history. Whether they won or lost, all of these electoral campaigns left little behind but broken hearts, and in the most recent and notable case, broken promises. On a deeper level, we feel that the changes we seek cannot simply be voted into existence- we want to bring participatory democracy to life in all spheres of society. For many of us, participation in electoral politics feels like an abusive relationship.

We want this time to be different. Let’s build something real together. Let’s make not just a political revolution, but a social and economic revolution by building not just a campaign for president, but a lasting movement.

We thought of four ways that our relationship could go to the next level:

1. Build our own lists. The conflict with the DNC and NGP-VAN shows us that we can’t trust the Democratic Party machine with our organizing infrastructure. We need our own membership lists that they don’t control.

2. Let us become members and organizers. Change will not happen with one election or one politician. We need a social movement. Social movements are made up not of one politician speaking out on stage against the establishment- but of millions of individuals standing up and working together. Create a pathway to membership in your campaign, which would bring with it more responsibility and a long-term commitment. If your five million donors became members, we would be larger than any labor union in the United States and on par with the NRA, which has more effectively held a gun to the head of the government than any political organization in US history. If we provide training to help members become organizers, there is no reason why we couldn’t double or triple the size of your base, large enough to make the political revolution permanent and pervasive– and extend it into workplaces and communities as an economic and social revolution.

3. Practice democracy. What sets your campaign apart is the promise of democracy. Let’s make that promise real inside the campaign. Allow us to become not just donors, voters, or consumers of Bernie, but producers of this political revolution. Formalize a democratic process for campaign members to decide on campaign planks and plan actions. This will allow you to outflank Hillary’s latest gambit to market herself as the “intersectional” candidate by giving an open invitation to labor, racial justice, feminist, environmental, LGBTQ, anti-war, and other social movements to become not just talking points or staff positions, but full coalition partners in the campaign. It will also reassure those of us who have been hurt by politicians in the past that this will remain a relationship of equals, and you won’t forget about us when we get you elected. And it will help turn the political revolution into a revolution of everyday life- where democracy becomes something we practice every day in our neighborhoods, workplaces, unions, and community organizations, not just every few years at the ballot box.

4. Take the fight local. You’re a fighter. That’s what we love about you. Let’s commit to staying in the fight together, making global change through local organizing. Whether we get you elected or not, the struggle will only have just begun. If you are in office, you will need a massive grassroots apparatus to unseat Republicans and pressure or remove moderate Democrats to see through the political revolution, and extend it into an economic and social revolution. If the centrist machine steals the election, then we can work together to pressure the government for our demands directly or elect democratic socialist representatives at lower levels of government. And no matter who wins the election, we need to organize for change in our workplaces and communities—making a political, economic, and social revolution through organizing at the local level. So let’s keep the campaign offices open (as many as we can afford to, at least) after the election, and turn them into hubs for organizing. If we build an organization capable of campaigning beyond the election cycle, and in workplaces and communities as well as in the political sphere, we can’t lose.

What do you say, Bernie? Can we make this work? The last year has been magical. Let’s keep the magic alive, let’s give our campaign a future we can believe in.

your supporters

[to sign on to the Love Letter to Bernie, add your name via the form below. When we reach 1000 signatures, the letter will be delivered to Bernie]

Organizational affiliations listed for identification purposes only.

Erik Forman, UFT & Movement of Rank-and-File Educators
Caleb-Michael Files, digital strategist, the People for Bernie Sanders
Jesse Alexander Meyerson, Grasping at the Root
Sarah Hughes, Murphy Institute
Dominic Leppla, teacher/researcher & IWW
Eli Friedman, Cornell University
Louis Guida, Union Organizer
Leah Feder, Murphy Institute
Noam Chomsky
James Cersonsky, Intern Worker Alliance
Jamie McCallum, Vermont Workers Center
Rinzin Wangmo, CUNY
Bill Zoda, PASNAP
Megan Erickson, NYC Public School Teacher
Michal Rozworski, Toronto, Canada
Winnie Wong, Co-Founder, People For Bernie
Kamil Ahsan, University of Chicago
Nick Orloff, CSU Chico
Moumita Ahmed, Co-Founder, Millennials for Bernie Sanders
Colin Kinniburgh, Dissent magazine
Clayton Dewey
Lina Nasr, York University
Edward Scanlon
Brianna Burton, IWW
Nisse Greenberg
Benjamin L. Forman
Adam Cornford
Eva Lewis, No More Deaths
Irene Arellano, Penn State Center for Labor & Global Workers’ Rights
Beka Economopoulos, Not An Alternative
Peter Hogness, former newspaper editor, PSC/CUNY (AFT Local 2334)
Chad Perkins, CWA
Abigail Parrish, IWW
Kianoosh Asar, George Mason University
Alexandra Thebert
Cassie Warholm-Wohlenhaus
Rebecca Reynolds
Clayton Beverly, Albuquerque Teachers Federation & Albuquerque Caucus of Rank and File Educators
Michael Gould-Wartofsky, Graduate Student Organizing Committee (UAW Local 2110)*
Aleksandr Revzin
Daniel Sadowsky
Joseph van der Naald, IWW
Will Henry Lapinel, IWW, General Union of SDSU
Aisha Ahmad
Evan Mitchell, urban planner
Daniel Gutérrez, former Head Steward UAW Local 2865Rachel Swaner, New York University
Fhar Miess, District of Columbia Bicycle Messenger Association
Paulina Pawlica, Yale University
Julie Wilson, Allegheny College
John Choe
Don Raskopf, New Yorkers Against Fracking
J. B. Mack
Ke’ Chingaos, Elotero
Joe Tompkins, Allegheny College
Jason Boughton, Pittsburgh, PA
Erika Grohoski Peralta, Co-Founder of Miami for Bernie, Founder of the Progressive Caucus of Miami-Dade,
Rev. Duane Clinker, clergy and former union/community organizer
William Ladd
Steve Abraham
Peter Brogan, National Union of Healthcare Workers*
Chelsea Harris, IWW
Mike Ballard Australian Labor Party and Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (retired members division, Western Australia)
Katrina Forman
Michael Reagan, UAW 4121
Nick Adams, Ph.D. – Founder & Director of Goodly Labs
Jacob T. Lang, St. Mary’s County Public School teacher, Community Organizer.
Felipe Vara de Rey, filmmaker
Rahula Janowski, Catalyst Project
AmyBeth Willis
Kevin Cashman, IFPTE Local 70, IWW
Rachel J. Chapman, Teaching Fellow, City University of New York
Raechel Tiffe, Merrimack College
Pablo Benson Silva, Movement Netlab
Anthony Maki, software engineer
Anthony Nadler, Ursinus College
Sarah Maceda-Maciel, IWW
martha rosler, Brooklyn, New York
Michael Crockford, New York
Cynthia Stewart, Long Beach, CA
Marjaan Sirdar, Minneapolis, MN
Kelly Collison, Lansing, MI
Mary Jane Ross
Ernest Albert Wood
Betty Hauser
 Dave Morrison, Sr
Lauren Antioco
Shelly Silver, Columbia University, NY
Tom Holmes, Queens, NY
raul zamudio, ny, ny
Jesse Madnick, Queens, NY
Jonathan Williams
Susanne Slavick, Pittsburgh PA
Lex Rendon, Co-Author of The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
Billie Giese, DeKalb, IL
Michael George Daniel Harris, Ecoshaman.org
Les Stitt, Union Organizer
Duncan Tarr, Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands
Natalia Aristizabal, Community Organizer
Alaa Kamel, Labor Organizer, Saint Louis MO
Kimberly Calloway, SF Bay Area
Luis Hurtado, San Jose, CA
Hyung Nam, union member, educator and activist for state single payer
Terri Bennett, Instructor, Pratt Institute
Desiree Kane, Denver, CO
Graham Kovich, Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan;  CWA Local 38010; IWW
Lauren Henrikson
Tino Scalici UAW, Local 249 KCAP
Vallan Anundson
Serge Del Grosso, Jr Planners Network NYC
Lee Hartsell
Scott Szafran Home Health Aid
liann key democrat
Drew McGill
Gabriela Braski
Anthony Volpe Astoria, Queens
W Joseph Couch
Sarah Vaye Independent
Barbara Craven
Angie Hindman
Emily Sanchez, Green Party
John Aspray, Union Organizer
Peter Mitchell, Nurse practitioner
Peter Klein, SEIU HCII*, OPEIU Local 9
Ephraim Baker
Josh Redd, The Seed Vege Cafe & Community Space
Janel Collins CA
Sean Henry
Monet Martin, Flagstaff, AZ
Kipling McClement, Sarah Lawrence College
Joel Gosse, IWW
David Cahn
Manfred Elfstrom, Cornell University
Annette Rondano Transition Longfellow
John Lippmann
Walter Muneton
Peter Mickelson
Cathy Conley Retired, Home Health Care Provider for my disabled Veteran husband
John MacLean, IWW
Willow Gulley
Evan Villegas
Lynn Eyer, Nurse registered
Phyllis Meehan, Oakland, CA
Stevie Berberick
Mike Harmony, Independent
Michael Stivers
Jennifer Greene, Asheville, NC
William Molony, LA
keith johnson, me
Martin Grondin
Lyle Jeremy Rubin
Ben Yela
Joseph Palko Student
Ray and Debbie Tyrell
Alex Telecky
Stephen Kuehn, Canadian Dual-citizen Software designer
Adam Finger DC37, Local 375
Joyce Mitchell
Curtis M Michaels, registered as Democrat this time
Matthew S. May Bryan, Texas
Stephanie Luce
Jim McGuire, IWW
Mary Clinton, CWA
Lorraine Barcant Member, Activist, Building Inspector DC37 Local 375
Ashley McGuire
Bill Schwimmer, Richmond CA
Ryan Brister
Sharon Utakis, PSC CUNY
Karen Arneson, UFT, Movement of Rank and File Educators
Daniel Pace
Susie Mizelle
Alexander Soto, Member, Hornets Policy and Politics Alumni Association and Latino Alumni Association
Shawn Connolly, Humanity
Noah Kirshbaum-Ray
Lars Reed
Alex M.
Cliff Sommers, Jackson, MS
Tahira Faune Alford
Tammy Minton Haley
Chris Glenski San Francisco, CA
Karen Brodeur, Levittown NY Democrat  former Independant
David Unger, Murphy Institute
Lynne Hayes, Tampa, Florida
Matt Hoffman Chicago, IL
Heidi Leonard
Steve Ongerth IWW, cofounder IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus (for ID purposes only)
Christelle Independent
Connie SanderCrat
Caitlin Autumn Lear
Keith Anthony Sikora Humanist
Wilie Schatz Lecturer in Legal Writing,  University of Maryland
 Dominique McCormick CUNY
Amber Hollibaugh Queer Econamic Justice Organizer
Chaz Turner K.A.L.I.
Tatiana Makovkin Mother and artist
Anita Long CWA
Matt Meister AFT local 795, IWW IU620
Betheney Ellcessor
Ben Collins International HIV Partnerships
Kelly Osajima Asian Americans Advancing Justice - LA
Norma Cartwright Member, Rural Oregon for Bernie
CarolAnn Barrows
Ryan Bruckenthal CWA
Eric M. Fink Elon University School of Law, Greensboro, NC
Beth Mattingly
Ellen retired health worker & older feminist
Brice Dansereau-Olivier Iww, Student organizing
Christian T. Andrews Human
Kelly Garland University of Michigan
Isaac Dalto IWW
Brian Tofte-Schumacher
Peter Montalbano Union Organizer
Chris Kirk-Kuwaye
Helen Cochems
Susan Strubbe
Richard Strubbe Salinas, CA
Michael P. Oman-Reagan Memorial University of Newfoundland
Shannon Weber Wellesley College
Jeff Baker Glass Artist/Geolgist
Richard Faraci Democrat
Barbara Mattson RN - Hawaii
Lea Ejanda, San Francisco, CA
Melissa Harris
Bridget Guildner Graduate student in Ecology, Missoula, MT
Ben Spielberg 34justice co-founder and blogger
Alan Bachers PhD
Prakash Manoharan West Sacramento,CA
Jerry Nairn
Kathryn Davis Andrews Lyon 2
Aaron Sellers
John Spinella UCLA
Maricris Barquilla
Grant Gao Freelancer Union
DARobertson Il /Mo
Elizabeth Durham
Nicole Heits, Missouri Independent Missouri Independent
Garrett Rowe Hendersonville, TN
Kenneth Puckett
Kate Gratx
Karri Jacques Kansas City, MO
Howard Pearlmutter ecocre8.org
Kathy Blaser Kihei, Maui, HI
Nancy Rogers Grandparent
Brad Laird Michiana IWW
Andrea Sprague Charleston via Atlanta via Vermont
Jeff Taylor US ARMY
Alix R Albert Software Design
Craig Patterson Thank you for fighting for us for so long.
G Wilder Activist
Jeanette Parker Animal Rights Activist
Sonia Padua
Felize Garvin
Hyun Lee
Monica Thomas Blue Ridge for Bernie
Omar Gonzalez Bronx, NY
Dwight Kahng
John Athitakis
Abdullah Tarawneh TRWNH
Niclas Widmark
Valarie Dickey
Robert Steele
Aixa Rodriguez Bronx Educators United forJustice
Rebecca Burton
Lea Denise James
Bill Todd
david sala retired (Teamster)
Jennifer Rutledge
Georgia Brown
Michael Cary
Jessica Williams Burns
Dave Burnham
Brian Donnelly
Jefferson Smith
James Williamson Music education
Benjamin Smuin
Norman Solomon RootsAction.org
Jeff Cohen RootsAction.org
Eric Morgenson PhD student University at Albany State University of New York
Robert Lee
patty brown
Richard Fournier
Scott Moser
Maureen gray
Philip J Diem
Samantha Levens Executive Board Member Inlandboatmen's Union SF Region-ILWU
Adam Jacobs CWA local 1104
Olga Kabel
Erin Twardochleb Opera Singer
Maranda Metzger
Matthew La France
June Brockner
Celia Chazelle The College of New Jersey
Bonnie Dada
Jeff Chormann
Laura Svolos
Reem B
Abdul W
Jamie MacVicar
Maria Diem
Thomas Wright
Natalie Schreiber
Nell Goddin writer
Ulianov Martinez Founder at Arteri.al
Lynn Unruh, Professor Health Management & Informatics University of Central Florida
Joel Solow
Dan Kloke
James Bowman Atlanta, GA
Dave Lambert
Nick Drake Citizen for true democracy
Brandon Rhea
Paul Ihlenfeldt
Charles Allen
Derek Worley
Douglas Oltrogge Jr.
Ralph Moore
miriam swenson
Susan Amper Bronx Community College
Kate Josephs Damariscotta, Maine
Amanda Evans
Ernie Cooper
Lucinda Chornyak
Mailee Atlas-Larronde, Victor Larronde, David Atlas- Larronde, Larry Atlas
Alison Diem Mother, IT Professional, Lover of Peace
Rand Wilson SEIU Local 888
Cory Richardson
Morgan A. Johnson Ohio Director of College Students For Bernie
Loran Davidson Democrat
Peter Olney Retired ILWU
peter mcdonald democrat
John Salazar, IL
Joaquin Matias A donator and online suporter
Mike DiPaola High Times
Michael Bellanich
Matheus Blasczak
Jeff Watilo SPEEA
Margie Williams
Meg Daly
Kenneth H Simpson Retired Steel Worker & union organizer
George Crain Los Angeles, CA
Beverly Hendricks
David Bensman Rutgers university
Doug Henwood journalist
David Cepero
Ágnes Kozma Hungarian Law Student
Edward Brinson DSA
Saurav Sarkar
Robin Varghese
Esha Krsihnaswamy Attorney
Franklin hudnall
Sam Nelson
Michael Nau Columbus, OH
Charles Reinhardt
Daniel Hanley Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
Alec Johnson
Doris Burgland Democrat
Joshua Schwartz New York University
Matthew McCoy
Chris O'Brien
Rick Casucci
Satya P Mohanty Cornell University
Lynn Rugh Democrat
Savya Konkalmatt
Brandon Sutherland
Chris Canter Arlington, CA
Heather Squire Philly, PA
Tyler Crawford
Rob Dunlap
Joseph Wuest Teaching Assistant/Grad Student University of Pennsylvania
Liz Hughes Retired AFSCME, NALC
Rachel P. Weaver
Karen Dubaldi
Jonathan Cope Librarian, PSC CUNY Member
Charles Herbert
Dan Kolbert
Amy Durfee West
Michael Cisco, PhD CUNY Hostos
Jennifer Hendrix Independent, though democrat during primaries
Adam Cardo DSA
Courtney Smith
Vidar Thorsteinsson The Ohio State University
Alan SImpson Citizen
Jack Gain University and College Union (UK)
Richard Frank Ledford BernieBot
Emily Price
Rebecca Randall
Marti Kennedy
Bill Hooker researcher
Loretta Murphy Lacey Grandma and gardener
Linda Hammond Bloszies
Michele Carney Citizen
John MacDonald
Daniel Epstein
Melody Jones, Pharmacy Technician
Ajay Singh Chaudhary Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Jason Boxman
Christian Hanson
Jazmine Hogan-Donaldson
Kyle Koeppe Cincinnati
Leo Gertner
Regina Davey
Heidi Detty Central Ohio Grassroots for Bernie Sanders
Joseph Herrera Ph. D. American Studies (candidate)
Alexis Newton
Jacob Raleigh
Jacob Udell
Frances L Ellis
Yonah Lieberman IfNotNow
J. J. Bymers
Joe Selinski Minneapolis, MN
Donna Boxman
Johnny Mendez Father, Husband, Citizen
Rachel Kranz
Misty Schuller
Ty Beatty Brooklyn, New York
Tom Ellman Vassar College
Colin Drumm UC Santa Cruz
Jennifer Debin
Alex Zane
Colby Newton
Gyunghee Park Yonkers, NY
Berto Elysee
Nathan Gusdorf Student, NYU Law
Melissa Robinson Clinton Township, MI
Marcus Denton
Ayisha Oglivie Appointed NYC Officer/Community Activist
Denise Ross Small business owner
Alex Lantsberg
Paul Justison
Emma Segasture Democrat
Brittiany Hart Kent, WA
Dr. Brian A. Schwartz
Grace Kline
Kurt Moeller
Riddhi Mehta-Neugebauer
Dan DiMaggio Labor Notes, Assistant Editor
Tom Smith
Priscilla Grim PowerMyLearning
Laura Sitkin Brooklyn, NY
Claire Amkraut
Andrew Neel IWW IU620
Gerardo Reyes Jr The Southside of Chicago
Daron Yamauchi
Kate Kasserman Chicago, IL
Robby Baskin
Ellen David Friedman Vermont Progressive Party
Glenn Service Employees International Union
Michael Marchman Iowa City, IA
Laura Ritter Southbury CT Independent registered dem to vote Bernie
Chris Maisano Jacobin, Democratic Socialists of America
Clayton Morgareidge
Ronnie Dadone
Tamara Robey
Shannon Ikebe Academic Workers for a Democratic Union, UC Berkeley
Gabriel Ignetti
Joyce Peters Democrat
Laura Barberan
Matt Deen Franciscan Earth Corps NYC
Cori Madrid
Rachel Coutts
Andee Sunderland Co-chair, Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America
Andrew Gunnoe Maryville College
Neal Meyer Democratic Socialists of America
Mehdi Bougamra A world citizen who believes in Bernie.
Mariel Bailey PhD
Sabrina De Martini CUNY MSW Student
Chris Brooks Labor studies program, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
laurie prendergast independent artist & editor/indexer
Michelle Jordan
Kathy Sheerin
Ryan Kreaps Ohio Student Association
Paul Clifford Top 1%
Phillip D Heinrichs
B Derby
Evgeny Scherbakov
Stanley Fritz Let Your Voice Be Heard Podcast
Gage T. Winters Student and Delegate
Mercedes Tidemann
Deborah Gerson California Faculty Association  (retired)
Deborah Gerson California Faculty Association  (retired)
Mary Ann Lesh retiree
Hae-Lin Choi DSA
Rose Bookbinder Mass Jobs with Justice/Pioneer Valley Workers Center
Hugh Miller Philosophy professor, Loyola U. Chicago
Kevin R. Hensler
Alec Hudson Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Sharon Mason
Nathaniel Raymond VA
Liam Chapman
Raymond Rankin
Andrew J. Switzer Minneapolis, MN
Otto Strasser National Councilist Football Federation
Richard Moser befreedom.co
Thomas Herndon University of Massachusetts Amherst
Steven Sherman
michael k. mcdaniel
Ted Swedenburg Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas and AFSCME member
Carl Gilbertsen White Plains, NY
Maximus Mednick Nevads resident
Simon Swartzman Solidarity
Brad Simpson Associate Professor of History, University of Connecticut
Matthew Snow
Marja Stoll Chicago
Mark DeLucas Big Irv's Gallery
Amy Ferber
Sky Allred Co-founder, Fort Worth for Bernie Sanders
Brent Kite
Jeffrey Green University of Louisville, KY
Kathryn Levy Poet, Arts Educator
Ann Golden Retired librarian/Lifelong activist
Esther Cervantes Strength in Numbers Bookkeeping Cooperative
Luke Elliott-Negri
Ian Brand   DC37, Local 1930
michael k. mcdaniel
Naeem Jai
Nato Green Comedian
Eric Deamer
Staci O'Neal-Robinson
Scott V Smith / Be The Bern Democrat
Sandra Burkhart DEM
Crystal Plummer Mother of 2
Dr. Julian Bell OR gubernatorial candidate 2016
Deborah May Economic refugee from NY in Ecuador
Parker Everett Unemployed
Ryan Straub Imogen Straub Design
Keith Wilson NE Ohio for Bernie Sanders volunteer
Malcolm Emerich
Matthew Shields Georgetown University
Ray DeVogel
Cassie McDonald
Claudia Martin
Mohammad K. Amin Murphy Institute of Labor
Elizabeth Lewis Progressive
Erin Cruz Registered Nurse, NNU
Al Benchich IWW
Randall Cohn Minneapolis, MN
joyce ferman
Hailey Huget Georgetown University
Reuben Baker
Anthony Recchia
Steven Shank
Andrew Seymour
William Takamatsu Thompson Asian Americans for Bernie Sanders
Erin Adam UAW Local 4121, Regional Steward
Carolynne "CJ" Jones OPEIU Local 9
Adam Krause University of California
Justin Feldman Doctoral Candidate, Harvard University
Ellen Richardson
Richard Biever
Jen Carr Brown University
Stu Shafer
Max Schindler Brown University
Seth York CUNY School of Law
Neil Sardana
Laura Shindell Community organizer for Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Tyler Vosgerchian Metro Detroit for Bernie Sanders 2016
William Dawley UCSD
Lorena Gabryel Garcia-Sampson
Russ Faulkner IWW, IWOC, Groundwork
John Jester
Donald Ryan Maxwell
Jessica Feldman GSOC-UAW 2110, Shop Steward
Jonathan Wallace IBEW 540
Kyla Nardecchia Student- Ohio State University
James Cappio
Casey Pegram, Atlanta, GA
Paul Demaree
Rod Fusco Concerned citizen
Harper Horan U.S. Citizen
Carl Wilhoyte
Brynn Craffey Donor and Supporter
Libby Hess Ind after caucused as Dem
The Rev. Dr. Anthony P. Johnson Urban New Jersey
Liza Featherstone The Nation
Peter Becker
Lee Block
Ty dePass
Jerome Roos ROAR Magazine
Denise DeRosa Parent, Concerned for the Future of my daughter, the world & terrorism
Gianna-Carina Lohn Student Cincerned for my Future & the future of the world
Saul Sarabia Saul Sarabia
Charles Brands
Mike Scarpa
Michelle Styczynski Washington, D.C.
Chase Kenderes
Stuart Fulbright
Jonathan Koch UAW 2865, Academic Workers for a Democratic Union
Red Bachman
Dave Anderson labor & environmental activist, Democratic Socialists of America, Boulder, Colorado
Kiva Tanya Stimac Casa del popolo
Mary Findley Lorain County Forward
Brian J. Foley, Esq. Writer and and Attorney in Philadelphia, PA
Jordy Cummings Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3903
Nathan Berget Rural &a Migrant Ministry, Long Island Coordinator
Steve Onderick Independent Filmmaker
Joan Vibert Democrat
Margot Sauers
Oleg Gorelik
Jesse Stoddard
Cheryal Millican
Michael L. Glosup
Dane Cardiel Brooklyn, NY
John G. Robinson longtime fan
Rahel Biru Democratic Socialists Of America
Evelyn Stone
Aaron Stark
Enid Eckstein
Liz Roberts War Resisters League
Neil Ashton Democratic Socialists of America
Matthew Teeters
Deborah Agre
Devan Miller
Taylor Channing @TexasForBernie, Public Banking Institute
Christian Bowe Christian Bowe
Judith Andrade
Thomas Russella
Clarissa Burt  
Daniel Buswell Democratic by neccesity, Lakota by birth.
Pooja Prema Rogue Angel Theatre
Gina Brucato
Paula Waller
Gregg Anthony Manfredi
Marilyn Davis UCSC Extension Silicon Valley
Rick Smaligo Independent
John Martino IWW
Gayle Russella
Stefanos Filippos Diamantopoulos
Teri Gidwitz Illinois 4 Bernie
Autumn Vogel
Spencer Brown Student, Wesleyan University
David R. Yale, Author
Laura Mueller Mother and artist
Erin Eldridge
Charles O. Menghini Lawrence, KS
Armando duvoli Liberal (I)
Nina Ascoly
Michael Ide University of Massachusetts Sociology, GEO-UAW 2322
Dan Feidt
Adam Case Graduate Student, Seattle University
Sean Monahan Democratic Socialists of America (National Political Committee)
Stephanie Piddock Progressive Congressional Candidate (I) CT-05
Alan Wittmer Compassionate Rebel
Denise Gabbard Mother, activist, ranch manager
Denise Gabbard Mother, activist, ranch manager
James Robnett
Jessica Yogini
Vincent Fuh
cesar esparza communist
Dermot Delude-Dix UNITE HERE Local 274
Salem Srour
Valarie Roddy
Aaron M Johnson-Ortiz
Emily Joan Smith Nonprofit arts admin
Celeste Peterson Union Organizer, Texas
Jamie Cook Mother and Enterpreneur
Michael Dawson consumertrap.com
James M. Larkin radio producer
Rebecca Gorman Mountain View, California
Mike Campbell
Pamela Democrat
Barbara Leon Feminist
Will Flagle
Cortney Easterwood
Jill Weiss
Anthony Alessandrini Kingsborough Community College-CUNY
Twila Pritchett Democrat, soon to be Independent!
Jayson Culp Indiana 4 Bernie
Dawson Highland Student, Colgate University
Alex Santos
John M. Roy
Lauren Nelson MA TESOL Hunter College
Mary Dore Filmmaker
Susan Herring
Drew Kiriazides
Gerardine Vargas
Edwin Urey Independent
Colin Flood Vermonter
Molly Walter Texas Activist
Becky Brenner Ex-60's civil rights worker , artist/teacher
Jonathan Holland Becnel Louisiana Socialist Network
Gloria A Wright Retired
Jen MacIntyre
Cecile Josaitis Naturalized citizen, mother, small business owner
Eve Hart CA
Deb Kline Community/Union Organizer
Akin Olla
Karon Reese Real estate
Andrew Gorman Democratic Socialists of America
Mauricio Niebla National Writers Union UAW local 1981
Alberto J Pacheco
Sonya Meyerson-Knox
Priscilla Rivas-Loria
Maya Jones Community Organizer
Dorothy benson Independeny
Scott Gobeille
Jack Buttermore Independent Progressive
Bryan Kovalick Democratic Socialists of America
Zane Zodrow
Cathy Cowan Becker Ohio Student and Climate Activist
Tora Finne
Julie Rice
Sam Whalen Artist
Katherine Randall
Joel Shuman
Henryk Kress
Rebecca Lurie CUNY, Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
Gregory Romero
Preston Agee
Carlos Condarco
Scott Riegel Student
John Obeda
Joanne Cronin
Jane Slaughter Labor Notes
Jean-Christophe Helary French citizen, living abroad, sick of current world politics
Margaret A Westgate
Mel Baiser Lost River Racial Justice, 7th gen Vermonter
John VanDyke Wilmerding Democrat, Quaker, Pacifist
Len Levine Retiree - New Orleans
Joey Miller
Joe Jurczak UMWA
George Souvlis Phd candidate at European University Institute
Jake Bolton
Connie Field Clarity Films
Marshall Mayer Democratic Socialist of America
Alena Smith
T Michele Minteer
Brenda Staples voter and an American
Jeffrey Markel Essex County NJ Democracy For America
Karl Howeth Teamsters local 886
Constance Bevitt Independent by choice (forced by MD to register as a Dem)
Emily Filardo
Jacob Mullis
Shinichi Evans Adjunct professor, San Diego City College
Michael Pollak
Minnie Ruffin
Vandra Thorburn Vokashi, Inc.
Laura Smith RN, retired
Nicole Surawski Merchandiser
Frank Kromkowski Helena, MT for Bernie Sanders
Debbie Caravella Debbie Caravella
Sarah B. Holloway
Dr.Philip Caravella Dr.Philip Caravella
Candi Parker ex democrat, Mother and worried American
Nathaniel Schiavo MORE-UFT NYC
Patrick Britt Independent
Judy Slater American Fighting for a Better Future
Karli Sizemore
Claire Stoscheck
Sage Radachowsky Massachusetts
Steve Wehr IATSE Local #15, Seattle
Owen Hart Student
Nick Ernster
Courtney Lee Adams Jr.
Jeff Napolitano UNITE HERE
Brandon Lpve
Spencer Frei UAW Local 2865
Steven Spires Student
Merrick Dean
Drew Rangel
Melinda Kellhofer
Taliesin Black
Pamela Kumar Consultant - healthcare
Dixie Skillingberg Farm wife from Montana/Secretary at Elem. School
Matthew D. Thomas Grand Rapids, MI
Patrick Craft Of Kansas City
Tom McCrum Father, musician, NY
Adam Gold
Sam Erickson
Debi Tucker
Jeanine G Smith Wyoming Women For Bernie
arijit dhillon American
Andrea Michael Mother, small business owner
Miche Faust
James Standlee CWA
Aaron Dellutri Lefty Peacenik
Jessica Griffin Blogger/yoga instructor/RDH
Linda Leighton
Alexa Vaca Kennesaw State University Political Science Major
Kara Dawley Democrat
Julia Allen
Jon Hiesfelter
Tom Mawn
Susan Daly Montana Education Assoc.
Jackie Trotchie Montana Metis
Max Bohnel journalist
Andrew Bard Epstein UNITE HERE Local 33
Arlene Weissman Changed from Green Party for your election!
Will Harrison @
Jama Collins
Colin Robinson
Shira Katz
Andy Macrae
Jan Brassil Brockton, Ma
Richard Freist
Tammy Sweem Average, fed up, unemployed citizen
Stephanie Gratzer
Deborah Mary Newell Mother and writer
Joy Thompson Independent
Jamie Munro
rain crowe Educator
Jon Hiesfelter
Dwight Hobbs Farmer
Nathan Malachowski
Patrick Cronin Montanan,  American Liberal
Kathleen M. Rafter Voted for Bernie in MI primary
Julia Getzel worker safety & health
James Connors Supporter/Volunteer
Jean Leverich University of Michigan
Charlene Davies Spokane, WA
John Lloyd Spokane, WA
Damian White Rhode Island School of Design
Marcus Sellers
Gregory Laynor UAW 4121
Adam Thurschwell Washington, DC
Alex Clark
Anthony Lapointe Social Ecologist
Ken DREGER Fellow Human being
David Bateman
Janet Biehl
Corbin Jones
Edward Levine NYSNA
Alec Smith
Scott Garman Montana
Donald Scroggins
April Mcconnell Montana
Jack Irmas
Brenda Lauts
Cabell Eames
Joseph Sannicandro
Michael R. Thompson International Brotherhood of Teamsters, IWW
Russ Andolina Buffalo, NY
Perry Wheeler
Yohan Independent
Elyse Gordon University of Washington
Greg Jacob No affiliations
Vinoth Nandakumar
Jacob Local 17 heat and frost
Maureen Shipman Cook County Illinois 4 Bernie
Maria A Douglass It's not important
Laura B. Schiavo cultural historian, Museum Studies professor
Heather Fisch Theater Director, Opera Nouveau
Donald Shipman III Millennial4Bernie
Nick Ernster
Karen Lindquist An American
Emily 09 university graduate drowning in debt
Bruce Bonifaci
Cameron Davis Navy Vet
Anthony LaMesa
Brady wheeler Educator/organizer
Joan Morris A future for our grandchildren
Patricia L. BERNIE Girl
Lynne Turner
Matthew Nelson Miesionczek
Penelope Donado
Chantal Coote
Brandon McDowell Montana State University
Carol Leonard Cake Artist Houston
Ashlee Wolfgang Carlow University
Ashlee Wolfgang Carlow University
Kris Alman M.D.
Phoenix Clouden Starving Artist Project, Cleveland, OH
Robert Knox Author
William F. Dodds
Geoffrey Dewan
Michael Huntington MD Retired radiation oncologist
Gayle Markow retired RN, writer
Deb Mayer
Rich Cohen Bernie Sanders Speakers Bureau - Portland Oregon
James Pochury India, Delhi
David B. Sellers
Melo O'Neal Independent (former Republican)
G.G. Gordon Homeless in Texas
Benjamin Gerritz
Ivan Zambrano Tustin United School District
Ted Roy Tigard, Oregon
Stewart M. McCauley Cornell University
Kelly Lee Social Worker
Lise McGregor
Mark Lyon Stop Animal abuse and neglect
Rachel Webster
Tom Childs www.pasifik.ca 
Christopher McQuain
Paula Higgins
Pamela Keeley
Sven Ahlgren
Pamela Keeley
Ioanna Kleftogianni
Lorna Stein Educator
Mourad Maaliki
Alexander Collins
Sam Adams ATU 1005, IWW, Minneapolis
Janet Otremba
Doris Lee
Emily Minnesota
Kristi Doyne-Bailey Artist
Aja Mathis
Forest Dean  Feighner previously a democrat
Nancy Price9
Saul Nieves-alamo Recent retiree-SEIU-local 32bj brooklyn
Anna Juarez
Joris van Breugel Student at University of Amsterdam
Jenny Brown National Women's Liberation
Diana Popowycz
Sean Wilson student
Nicholas Wilken
david Graham Pittman
Douglas Aaron, MSW, Las Vegas, NV GulfWar vet, Peace Activist
Bryan Alexander education futurist
Kassandra Martinchek Antihunger advocate, Albany, NY
Meghan Farina
Josh Davis
Robin Clifford
Sara Feldman AFT
Mark Spectot
Dave Rahbari Independent
William Lawrence Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network
Eli Lichtenstein Brooklyn, NY
Shelley Molinaro Education
Verena Zoppei Humboldt university of Berlin
Mark Hall Free Man
Hunter Brownlie
Jane Mann
Jan de Leeuw
Debbie Caravella Debbie Caravella
Joanne Wheeler former photo editor, National Geograpnic Creative
Kathy Lyons
Mary Lee Stromquist
Madeline Muller
ward klemer
Kristen Harte Feminist- St. Joseph, MI
Debra Alman
Benita Lanahan 59 yr. old worker
Kelley Denham Left Alliance at WVU
Pete Matthiessen Musician
Sheri Feld
Lukas Zimmermann
Johanna Six
Jim Brand Grassroots Citizens Involvement Association
Sharon Adelman Reyes
Isaiah Earhart Father and Husband
Martha Chisnell
chris scheel Artist
Laurie herman
Cameron Slick UTU Local 911; Socialist Alternative
Mourad Maaliki
Anisha Devar Masters of Public Health  
Nancy sims, senior citizen Washington Cty Oregon for Bernie
Sid Shniad
Arthur Rimbaud Anarchist antifascist black rose
Dr. Ron Suarez GroupsForBernie.org
Janice R. Clark
Julie Anne Ennis Fighting for the Soul of America
Christopher Lovejoy FDR Democrat
Bernice Freed World Citizen
Helene Lorenz
Natasha Raheja Graduate Student Organizing Committee (UAW Local 2110)
Larry Lowther Retired Historian
Marge Mey Beaverton, OR
Melissa Coss Aquino
alice faber
Issamu Kamide Bernie Fan
Ramona Crocker progressive Democrat
Jeffrey Kugler
Bryan jones El Granada Omniversity
Michael Eisenscher U.S. Labor Against the War/People's Budget Campaign
David Newby David Newby, Pres., Wisconsin Fair Trade Coalition consin Fa
Kimberly Gronquist
Jessica Warren Mommy extraordinaire
James Williams American citizen
Gale C. Lyman
Graham Faulkner
Karen Lawrence Retired cabinetmaker
Justin Hewgill
Mike Fulk neohippy
Laura Irenze
Karin L. Borgerson
Burke Stanton Student
David Tresner-Kirsch Software Engineer, Massachusetts
Jessica Blatt Marymount Manhattan College
El Viejo Retired on Social Insecurity
jonathan shapiro
Peter Cole AFT
Hector Hernandez
Kevin Garrido Writer and Poet
Jon Steiner
SFC Scott D Pallard & Jessica R Pavillard Vote in KY/IN in Germany
Rafal Dobrowolski San Diego Staff Organization
Jesse Kudler
Aaron P Ebeling Parent, diabetic
Dave Amundson Missoula MT
Juan Francisco Donoso
John Ventura Yale University
Richard Yaker
Carolyn Raz Democrat
Beth Rosdatter
Matt Nelson Gonzaga University
Kevin Dugan
Edward Averill Climate activist
Tom Rainey-Smith
Marianne Pita CUNY, Bronx Community College
Anna E Kirkpatrick
Nora Baynes
Jeanette Riffle Retired, Cleveland, Ohio
Joan Arnau Pàmies Musician
Hanne Bock Andreasen musician, office worker, caregiver
Melinda Wellsandt Democratic
Steven Fore
Marsha D. Fretwell Elders Fierce For Justice
Steven Bonner Rural citizen
Jenna Siegel Union Organizer
Bill Van Norman
Noah Hoedas Rumbero
Gwendolyn Gerald Democrat
David Roddy Co-Chair, Sacramento Democratic Socialists of America
Alexandra Alves MORE CAUCUS-NYC
Valerie Lyn Baker  Fl  delighted Retired Solivita Progressive
Ashley Mossey
Annie Tan Chicago Teacher, Chicago Teachers Union
Gregory Packet
Cindy Jensen
Tyler York
Dawna Nolan
Joan Lemont Democrat
Ray Montoya International Educator
Karen Bernal Sacramento for Bernie
ann heffner
Jill W. Klausen Democrat turned Independent
Oliver Griebel philosopher, teacher
Wolfgang Lieberknecht Initiative Black&White, Democratic Workshop Wanfried
Richard Lee
Basil Kendrot People and Planet before Profit
Will Klatt
Gertraud Neuner
Simon bagh Borussia Dortmund
Chris Holland very good initiative to dismantle the Genocidal NWO and bring the GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY and WORLD PEACE
Nick Rubin
Joshua Solomon
Meg Beyer New York
Sam Kalina NEPA for Bernie: Scranton Chapter
David Hamilton DSA
Laurie Dworak The People's Revolution
Alexis Tsipras Syriza/PM of Greece
Tom Naue The People's Revolution
Eric Dieterich Democrat
Dan DeLeon grad student/IWW
Bersein Edwards Green Party, CA
Van Jones activist
Dee Green Southern affected dislocated factory workers
Dilma Rousseff PT
olaf köhler
Caron Shanahan
Michael F. Marshall IT Project Manager
Gayle Moore Charlotte Co, FLA Community Development Dept.
Christoph Landwehrs Small Business Owner, Cologne/Germany
Cory Manzo
Sharon Miller-Buchanan Mom
Galen Linder
Gregory Buchanan
Matthew Markulin Robert Morris University, Student
Matthew J Garbincus Retired - Euclid, OH  44123
Andrés Durán Rueda NSSR student, Non-profit fundraiser
Matthew Senick
Risa Stephanie Bear, M.S., M.A. Retiree, poet, farmer
Jonnie Cohen Arizona Democrat
Carlos Chism
Beverly Spencer Farmer Washington State
Desiree Bries Activist in Iowa
Eli Sennesh
Barbara Mahdinec Ohio
Lisa Christian
William E. Douglas, Jr. World Healing Day
Juergen Blaas Hamburg, GER
Marilyn Good Democrat
Chas Williams Artist
Denise Wiard
jared shapiro
Keri Satter
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy
Rev Jerone Garland servant in Mississippi (the dirty, dirty)
James J Garland Attala Co. MS NAACP
Steven D Grumbine Real Progressives on Facebook
Briggs Rajagopalan Subramaniam Entrepreneur
Alexander Ostroff
Leslie Griffith Antique Dealer Democratic Socialist
Matt Peters Progressive
Michael Miller American Federation of Teachers Local 395
Sharon Cohen
Stella Schneider
Daniel Bracamontes
Charles Cortes
Philip Roberson
Dean Tuckerman
Taylor Mandelbaum Stony Brook Coalition of University Students for Progress
Danielle Bradley Student at Villanova University
Tina Diamond Community activist for a better future in Anerica
Betti Pacarajo Zumbera
Elmer Smith I.W.W., I.A.B.S.O.R.I., A.F.S.C.M.E., A.P.W.U.
Jeff Donnelly
Pawel Flaga
Rika Gorn
Kelly Jacobson SEIU 503
David Lopez UAW 4121
David Manson
Angeles Estrada
Christian Lear Student, U of SC
Cory Satter Arizona State University
Bob McApple
Mazdak Mansouri
Traven Leyshon Green Mountain Labor Council
Chung sun New York University
Jacob Mata Future Poli Sci major, SFSU
Melissa Peters Long Island For Bernie Sanders
Melanie Mak Switzerland
Pamela Crossett
Eric Hoyt GEO-UAW 2322
Blair Harper
Eric lachance Veteran
Logan R. Baker
Robert Alvarez
Rick Celeita
Merv Ashby Small Buisness Owner
Marshall Mayer Democratic Socialists of America
Zachary Rodriguez Student
Lena Hammer Democrate
Joshua Harper
Dante Ramicone retired
Margit Picher
Aiden O'Day SUNY Student, CPUSA Member
CJ Perez
Robert Caldwell TSEU/CWA (for ID purposes only)
Toby Anderson
Connie Lyles Activist Retiree
Aaron M. Datesman Washington, DC
Kevin Woram University of Virginia
Arijit Upadhyay Rainbow Coalition India
Josh Outten
Bill Hess Disabled American Veteran
Arijit Upadhyay Rainbow Coalition India
syed mustafa bacha
Azman Hogberg
Scott Hart Coatwolf
Honey Fortney   Democrat
Candace Davidson
Irasema Garcia Tierra Grande Real Estate, LLC
Marilyn Good Democrat
Erik Saras Musician and Writer
Ariel A. Gonzalez High School Teachet
Joe Hunter Veteran  retired Teamster chief shop steward
David Lall Bern the bondholders free the people!!!
Frank Voso
Tamás Felföldi
Michele hope for peace , from Italy
David Burton University of Montana student
Angela Borup Gerontologist & Community Volunteer
nancy garren retired  teamster from Pa.
Brian Carroll
Justin Neal Blue collar, red neck, Tampa, Florida
Steven Ansell
Ryan Harvey Musician (Firebrand Records), Journalist
Jamie G New York, New York
Mark Schwartz, PhD U. S. Dept. of Education (retired)
Sam Boase-Miller
Tammi Cvetnic
Marilyn Good Democrat
Lenore G.
Dan Lovley Actor
Sarah Harmon Feel the Berner!
Marilyn Good Democrat
Hans Hermann
J. scott purdy Life long liberal.
Breland Draper Community organizer
Andrew Rock
Patricia Welker independent/green
Nicole Glotzer Independent
Michael Sullivan
Larry Hannah Professor Emeritus, CSU Sacramento
Vickie Fouts
Jack Lyons, student, San Francisco State University
Jamie Brower
Sebastian Franken Antifascist Germany
Melissa McKenzie Seneca, SC
Kendal Hockin
Greg Dickie
Jeff Foreman
Sydney Wynn Student of International Relations
Edward Camarillo Citizen, The People's Republic of Portland
Aaron M Leikauf Human
Suzanne Gallant SEIU 1199 NW
Bernhard Dr. Danzer
Ruth A. Thomas Family Nurse Practitioner; Los Banos, Ca
Ellen Mendelsohn
Lee Hestad Concerned citizen
Kendra Sherrod Democrat/progressive
Jakob Hulten
Rainer Classen
Kimberly Slaughter
James Glatz
Meredith C. Independent North Dakota
Sherry di filippo Citizen and teacher
Linda Hylton
Bernhard Dr. Danzer
Olivia Clancy
Robert Broadfoot
Matt Ro Seattle for Bernie Sanders
Benjamin Hintze
Rob Warmowski
Craig D. O'Hare Environmental Activist
Dolores Schaefer
Maureen F. Sullivan Illinois 3rd District Delegate for Bernie Sanders 2016
Tess Oerly
alex bills
Jacob Schaefer-Schoenbohm
Jerry Gordon, Tehachapi, California
Art Rudnicki Independent
Heidi Gann
Ari Marcantonio
ralph hixson $3 month forever
Kathleen Ebanez
morris evans ret
Brian Simmons Concerned Citizen for Justice
Steve Zurier
Jody McGinness
Liz Stewart
Bruce Veivia
Evan Schauer University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Joy Jenkins, Houston, TX
Jan Koelb Teacher/Tutor/Trainer
Perish Barnette Independent
Jane Malick-Nugent
Kimberly Prosa Humanistics Dance Company
Adam C. Allingham
Corry Andrews
Hans Grellmann Occupy Palos Verdes
Grace Tillman
Jason Denis Cihlar
Khodam Rostomian
Linda Bauer Bernie
Eric Kessel Kensington, CA
Elizabeth Heller Farmer
Marshall Loring
Ben Holman
Nathan Taft Writer/Research Analyst
Carol Tavis
Justin Samuels Grad Student at Columbia University
Douglas Jennings
Ann Menasche Green Party of San Diego County
Tyvon Sands Journeyman electrician Local #3 IBEW
Peter Beattie UCI
Daniel Lewis Returned PCV
Georgina Capristo-Gajdosik
Julie Olsen Activist
Pankaj Mehta
Cory Manzo
Don Bäckman-Aurit Gaytheist Activist
Sean G Rosenstock
Jeremy Gong
Steve Goodall filmmaker
Christopher and Erika Reynoso
Seshadri Srinivas Activist
Charles Crandall
Glen Stark human being
Zach Swearingen
Mike Williams
Julian King
Amy Reid Univ of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Tristam and Roxane Sculthorpe
Michael Krasner Vermont Progressive Party, Queens College, City University of New York
Jerry Shrieves Jr. Bernie Lover
Alissa Ritter
Roxane Teymourtash
Will Toperoff University of California
Clint Ritter None - NeoMarxist
Kenneth J. Levy
Charles Xu Caltech
Hank Bromley
Duncan Wanless Fresno, California
Matt Verga Union Member
Mara Cuellar Berdiecrat
Martha R A Torrex District School Teacher
Nancy Cronin
Linda Ray SEIU 1021
Joshua Leuthold
Nadia Szara Vashon, WA
Miles Baker Reed College
Kristin Miller UAW 2865, University of California
Laura Duvall
Mick Duvall machinist union
Alicia Vance
Aimee Le
Jeremy Likens Student at Pacific University
Nat Almonte
Andrew Schiller
Louie Fernandez
Michael Jastremski Conservation Professional, Housatonic and Hudson River Watersheds
Ralph Aeschliman
Reuben Yancey Anarchist/artist, retired
James Karney
Cyndi Krieger Small business owner
Robert Herberg Retired
Michael Drucker
Michael J. Beeler
christa scheurich, arnstein, germany
Pamela Tournier Fischer Entrepreneur
Cary H. Yandell Biomedical Technician
Rene Hermiz
David McKechnie North Haven Island, Maine Teacher
Lisa Leipus Retired
Lydia Thies Bielefeld, Germany
Dr. Amy Dalzell
Ashley Cake
Lynne Andersson
Sarah DesLauriers Human Rights Activist-Psych/Sociology/Poli-Sci Studenti
Paul DeNovi Chicago Public Schools Music Teacher, Independent
Benjamin Franz CUNY, Medgar Evers College
Michael D. Sanders Texas Progressive
Allen Thomas Jones
Carlene Kester
Blake Bjornstad Democrat
iola gomez retired
Nelson Kasfir Dartmouth College
Helen Luce   rural citizen lefty
Jared Flaming
Vanessa Betancur Ele Eme Project
June Hope Lanners
Tim Heffernan
Matt Renner
Marie Wilson FDR Democrat
Monica Goodrich  
Patrick Briggs Occupy Democracy Pasadena
Dr. Glenn Lambert,  Former Local Union Officer Retired teacher and school administrator
Christine Buchanan
Charles Kirkpatrick
Daniel Conroy retired
Rosemary Weinberg
Susan Gervasi
Tim Keane Father, Husband, Software Developer
Marc Osten
James H. Grant
Jaymie Noble Healthcare Practitioner
Michael Lindvall Rockford, IL
Kip Humphrey
Jill West Disability Activist
Janice DeVoe Small Business Owner
Craig Robert Steele Sacred Spaces Plant and Stonescapes, Janesville, WI
Dorothy Walsh DC37
Anastasia Raine
Tom Pope Social Change Blogger
Margaret Merrill retired science librarian
Paula Quigley
Patricia Michaels
Kate Gallion Activist, Cincinnati
William Boardman Panther Productions
Richard Bourgeois Senior Democratic Socialist  & Green
Lakhshmi Nagireddy
Robert Loeb
Jordan Johnson
Laura Wiens The Union Edge, Labor's Talk Radio, former union organizer
Tod Sloan Professor
Elliot Shriner-Cahn
Stephanie Oliver
Diane Rosselet a Bernie Sanders Democrat
R James Reyes Technologist
Lisa Wallus Librarian, UPI Local 4100
Bill Flack Bucknell University
Dajunia Gore
Ben Clark
Leslie Torkelson Working with and for the disabled
Joshua Lundin green
Bonnie McFadden
Sholom Keller Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran
Georgie Donais
Jim Luken Performance artist
Christian Bold
Christian Bold
Michael Madden
Anne Harper Democrat/independent
Jim Kavney Democrat/Independent
William Ellsworth Jr
Francesco Paco Marcellini Rome, Italy
Ira Pollock
Martin Kantauskas London, United Kingdom
Kate Aronoff
Chuck Willer Supporting a new economics
Keith Sanders Code Monkey, Dissenter, Non-Conformist
Nancy Roeder Missouri
Irene Wallee
Pennelloppe Allee socialist, humanist
Sam Wargin Oklahoma City Public Schools
MIchael L. James
Stephanie G
Aimee Samara Krouskop
Alyssa Sukana
Tammy Smith
Jess F
Joseph J. Lewis CCCHD
Eliot York Human
Numan Aksoy A hopeful
Judith Senecal BSN, RN retired RN,  Peace Corps Volunteer
Halima Garcia Nursing Student, Hudson County Communtiy College
Creston Davis The Global Center for Advanced Studies
Jennifer Thomson Bucknell University
John Burnett
Wrik Chatterjee
Rochelle Glickman
Charlotte Brody BlueGreen Alliance
Jonathan Huffman
Bruce Swan UAW member (retired)
Brenda Matthews Independent
Priyanka Basu
Maria Pulido
Mike McGroarty
Shawn McWhorter Ind
Maggie Allen Ewok apologist
Mark Masaki Therapeutic Aide
Richard Sentner talking together
Hugo Orozco
Ralph Müller Bad Bramstedt, Germany
Nancy Whitehead Democrat/Independent
Jeff Bucklew
Paul Wiele
Sharon riley
Marsha Malone Retired Teamster/Animal Activist
Edward Dunn
Charles Cameron Walter
Dillon Christopher
Matthew Biener
Craig Gronowski
Larry Mace Vietnam Vet & Retired Union Worker
Hugo Martinez
Benjamin Fraser
Adam Bachrach Veteran for the Political Revolution
Linda Ellinor The Dialogue Group
Elliot Stoller citizen photojournalist
Sara Ewen Mom/Feminist/Chef
Sean Hemenway Student, California
Michael Payne
Amity Bacon Writer & Editor
Michelle de Parrie Portland, OR
Mark Tambellini ATU local 85
Suzanne Scanlon ATU local 85 & long time supporter
Cesar A. Torras MD Brooklyn for Peace
Max Stirling
Steve Snyder
Alan Perrine
SP Citizen
Gus Cicala
Daniel J. Lewis Researcher in UK & IWW Member
Kathleen Borowski Citizen, USA
Thomas L. Kula
james cloud
Rahnee Patrick
Donis Borks Riverside, CA
Cris Larson
Rob Mrowka
Kathleen Pfoutz
Oma L. Rose Senior
Phil Stevens
Michael Lebron dwellstead
Joan Downs Writer, Madison, WI
Jack Hafeli Citizen of Chicago
Miss Millions
Brian Donahue Blogger
David Mitchell attorney, Vietnam draft resister
Perdita Finn mama
Gary Meixsell  PA voting 4 Bernie
Alicia Enciso
Laura Mandelberg Somerville, MA
Linda Gruer Retired, educator, economist, grandmother
Daria Khadir, Quebec
Verónica Zaleta Arias School teacher
Greg Goodman Rank-and-file teacher, Chicago Teachers Union
Lonnie E Osgood
Carey A. Weeks
Jeremiah Rites
Julius Hayden Retired teacher
Ray Trumbull
william edmonds retired , corvallis oregon
Paul Harrison Political scientist. U of Mich-Flint
Channah Abraham
E. Joy Arnold Move to Amend
Chris Keenan Family physician
Elizabeth Morris Downie
Alex Carlson DSA
Jennifer Maulsby Feminist
Guillermo Vazquez Labor Organizer
Susan Allene Robinson Unaffiliated in North Carolina
Hugh "Hawkeye" Tague former UFW and UE organizer
Meryle A. Korn FDR-Democrat
Sarah Brueckner
Philly Meyers LocalCommunity Organizer and President of R.U.F.F. (Retirees Unite For the Future)
Marcy Lipscomb
David Westbrook Co-founder Savannah For Bernie Sanders, AFT
Carolyn M. Dimmick Green Party / Independent
Bree Bailey
Timothy Post, Psy.D.
Nancy Woolley 72 year old mother of 4 and grandmother of 4 concerned for all the earth's children
Ken Geiser University of Massachusetts Lowell
Jeffrey A. Dustin Providence IWW and LiUNA Local 1322
Lana Touchstone retired librarian
Denise Ranaghan
José R Ibáñez
Judith Genone, teacher, Reno, NV PDA, Reno, Nevada
Annie Andreoni Human Being
Jonah Blaustein
Carolyn Nikkal
mariellen cardella social justice education advocates
Abel Corver
Joanna Behrman
Florent Giehmann IWW
Jeffrey Cooney Elder
Natti Vogel Volunteer
David Fieni Educator, writer
Jessica Napier
Donia Connell Democrat
Tim LaMartina
Joseph Connell Democrat
Alice Anil Journalist
Alexandra Gordon Nyc teacher, UFT chapter leader, idealist
Eric Dirnbach
Linda Gillaspy, Climate Activist GBCAN
Donald Dryden Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Philosophy, Duke University
Hyunsu Hwang
Rosemary French, Nevadan Jackson & Andrea's grandmother
Donna Hamson Cooney Lover of nature & living in hope
Jessie lindsay
Sam Lazarus
Joanna Behrman
Sharon Hedges-Hiller Treasurer, CCDCC, Fallon, NV
Peter Smith
Mike Monahan Librarian
Jennifer Harper
Joe Bartusis
Eric Dirnbach
John Norman
Kelli Lawler Proud Union Member
Emelio DiSabato Student, Teachers College, Columbia University
Jason Serko UNITE HERE!
Teddy Seaman NOLA Progressives for Bernie,  The People's Revolution
Parker James
Alix Rule Columbia University, GWC-UAW Local 2110
Marc Osten Activist and Independent Voter
Toni Greene
Timothy Phipps DHS Consultant
Lisandra Medina independent liberal who switched her party to Democrat too late
Linda Martin
David Walsh
Raynard Hall Community Organizer
Lukas Lerner La Plata County for Bernie
Frank Richards Green Party; Industrial Workers of the World
L. Weeks
Preston F "Doc" Pingree Free-lance video producer
Preston F Pingree Freelance Video Producer
Steven Tyroler
Gayle Rancer
Subcomandante Donald Parkinson Communist League of Tampa (Interior)
Marilyn Campbell, Belvidete, Il LIBERAL DEMOCRAT
Azra Hot
William Seldeen
Amanda McNeill Former Colorado State Senator, District 6
Aaron Hege
Robert Salles Retired teacher
Laurie McNeill Overseas voter
Nicole Parry Earth
Robin Johnston
Gloria Mitchell Independent/Small Business Owner
Tammy Morgan Fed up American Citizen
joe love Artist
Andrew Mark Baker Former Democrat; former member AZ Dem. Party State Committee
Thomas M. Ward Democrat
Susan Oakley, Kapa'a
Mitzi Rusk Peaceful Activist in Texas
Joe Orstad
Daniel Evans Local House Finch
Barmak Nassirian Bethesda, MD
Kevin Porter
Bran Dougherty-Johnson Designer
Jim Dollenmaier
Nick Jared Memphis Socialist
Vicki Simon
Tony Newell
Nichole Newell
Connor Kilpatrick
Husein Abdi
Matthew Sienzant
Edward Hassenfratz Freelance Graphic Designer
Patricia Pelfrey
Ted Swedenburg Professor of Anthropology and ASCME member
Tim Rose Human
Kevin Klapp
Soroush Motahari
Dilan Cook
Bradley Lindula
Catherine Nickum
Gabrielle Kirshman University of Michigan, Revolt Against Plutocracy
Lisa Scher
Kevin M. Bartoy
Amanda Casteel
Oscar Salinas Student
Dale Eves
Greg Clarke
Michael McAllister Progressive independent (and democratic socialist), atheist, egalitarian/secular humanist
Steven Hilbert BSME (retired), Earthman
Luke Wheeler
Jodi Wilson
Fidel Santana
Colin Paxton Audiologist
Chris Zdenek
Chaz K.A.L.I. Investments
randy o robert II student
Geoffrey Smith
Tom Blankinship
Cassandra Serna Healthcare worker
Antonios Benetatos Lieutenant NYC FDNY
Pierce V Edmonds TYT Army
Steve Dorland another cresting wave in the ocean
Tommy Siounit
Larisa Lindemann Democratic
Sarah Armstrong Saunders RN, mother, wife, member of CNA/NNU
Dorothy Couchman
Michelle Hylton Berniecrat
Lyon Livingston American Peasant
Angela Clinton
Mitchell Mayes
Irmalinda Osuna
Todd Kureczka
david hinkes
Chris Butkevicius
C.A.Guri Doctor of Naturopathy
Douglas J. Amy Mount Holyoke College
Bonnie Fraser Psychologist
Josh Hasenberg Colgate University
Dez Brown Democrat
James Mack
Alastair Doyne-Ditmas American
Cathy Cloepfil
Ralph Hinkes
Rey Pineda Republican
Dustin Templeton Small Business Owner For Bernie
Matt Travis Arizona
Ryan Caudill
Craig Webster
Barbara Ann Kelley Democrat
philippe Ouimet     Montreal Canada
Shannon Miller CEO of Nonprofit/Community Organizer
Robert J. Pechacek Past Chair Socialist Party of ILL  (USA)
Cynthia Callinsky Sales Crutchfield Corp goes by Brandy
Debra Wolff
Ian Guider
Julissa G. School
Connie Eisele
Lisa Starling  Anchorage, AK LGBT & Human Rights
Laura Pierce O'Connell
Campsie Grothendieck
Monica French CCRN Critical Care Nurse  
Olivia Lentucci
Gunta Norman
Jeff Clark Occupy Saint Paul
R.A. Frager
Shawnee Proffitt Independant
Laura devriendt Occupy St Paul, MN
Ricky Proffitt Democrat KY
Nathan Horrell UNITE HERE
James C. and Athena M. Henderson Occupy Saint Paul  occupysaintpaul.org
Donna Smith-Remick
Steve Striffler University of New Orleans
Darby Lewis
Joe LiButti
Neil Fagerhaugh,  citizen
Steven Lane For solidarity everywhere
E Kathy Goldstein
Jocelyn Dorland
Meg Lambert
Davis L Gonzalez Occupy St Paul
Anastasia Bridgeman
Alexia Bridgeman
Henry Corp https://twitter.com/HenryCorp
David Kerans analyst, Strategic Culture Foundation
Connor Kilpatrick
Jacques Granger Technical writer
John Sansone
Luke Savage Toronto, Canada
Eric L. Walston
Drew Franklin Candidate, Drew For DC
Rob Porter
Gregory McGarry
Harvey Partica Snyder County Democratic Socialists
Ian Armstrong
Patrick Schreck
Joe Alderman Northeastern Illinois University
Rudi Batzell
John Houlihan Union member
Beth Fowlet Wayne State University
Kate Robinson
Matthew Christman
David Sessions Boston College
Catherine Liu UC Irvine
Anya Ciccone Chicago, IL
Joshua Lore Philadelphia, PA
Rowan Wernham Filmmaker
Kate Albright-Hanna
Cyrus Lewis
John R. Parker, Jr. Attorney
C Andrew Rohrmann
Mike Upchurch
Jay Burlingham
Peter Beattie UCI
Elias Crim civic entrepreneur
David Harding Line-cook, server, stagehand, mover, manual laborer
Taylor Dimke University of Chicago, Vermonter
Elizabeth Tavella
Aaron Jollay
Eileen Jones UC Berkeley
Scott Sargent
Kate McCurdy
DJ Cheek AFM Local 269
Luke Pigott Villanova University, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
John Everett Miller 3rd Shop Steward, GCC/IBT DC9 Local 14-M
Mike Finkel (but not the movie/NY Times one) Musician
Cheryl Rasing Domestic Violence Advocate, Norristown, PA
Ryan O'Connell
Phillip Lorenz Democrat
Braxton McMurphy
Doug Henwood journalist
Al Simon Windsor Ct Town Council
Robert Raymond
Craig Paup
Steven J. Wagner University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Robert McHugh-Westfall
Nick Khamarji, Jr. New England Insurance
William Dawley UCSD
Nina Lentini New Haven resident
Christopher G James Retired Public Defender
Kathleen   Mother, Paraprofessional, long time Independent, registered as Democrat for this primary Democrat
Beverly Hendricks
Quinn Wolthausen Democrat
Scott Riegel Student
Ajay Singh Chaudhary Brooklyn Institute for Social Research
Catherine DeSabelka Trumbull, CT
Mary Ann Fontaine Democrat
Aubrey Sancho
Linda Ozga Democrat
Cara Bucciferro
Mary Ann Campbell Teacher, New Milford, CT, Public Schools
Susey Edleblute Disabled Democrat
Lindsey Pellino
Colette Houlihan
Kevin Peloquin Goodwin College
Brynn Craffey Queer climate activist
Emily Gedney
Elin Derfler
Judy Westwood Dreamer & Believer
Brandon Persad Democrat
Yavuz Yasar University of Denver
Dr.Susan Rubin RabbitHoleFilms
Maria Carl Mother and homemaker
Brian Carl Father and Marketing Director
Julie Harting
Joshua Kahn UFT
Jens Burger Portland State University
Kelley van der Harten
Susan Thompson
Alex Raymundo Communist
Jeanette Frazier
Nicki Segura
Paul A Proudlock Union activist
Paul Nichols
Marie Gedney
Derek Emery
Bill Kenny Traveler on Spaceship Earth currently in Connecticut
Cristina Groeger PhD Candidate, Harvard
Chris LeVasseur
Dave Shukla UCLA
Michael Gabriel The Unknown Commodity
Joan Armstrong Giese A hopeful American!
Jane Glaubman Cornell University
Stephanie Hayes-Houlihan Stonington, CT
Carol Horack <3
Kimberly Caron
Seth J. Prins Columbia University
Dorry Clay
Lynette Robertson
Jazmin Infantas CT
Hilary Frisch
Marlis Bouchard-Nichols OTR
Karen Rosenberg UAW L2320
A. Spooner history teacher, musician
Laura Buonaiuto Independent that is briefly Democratic to vote for you
Basile Farkas
Irene Fredericks
Nick Tabor
Carmen Yiamouyiannis Professor
Michael Tank Center for One Earth Living
Rachel Kranz
Luke Morris
Patricia Geary Independent currently registered as Democrat
Juan Felipe Calle
Carrie A. Nolte Writer, Woman, Feminist, Worker, Hopeful
Luke Dringoli
Maria Psyhogios
John Longo
Kevin Siapno
Patty Heffley Renegade Cabaret
Randi Faith Mezzy legal aid lawyer and proud grandmother of three beautiful boys
Angelina Xing Yale University
Lara Crombie
Diana Palmentiero
Ben Chevalier
Chris Knight CUNY
Elizabeth McGuire
Joanna Wilson Phillips Health and Wellness Advocate
Jake Coffey
C. Rose Ferreira
Norma Timms
Yann Oehl Human
Teresa Russo
Erin Carroll Democrat, Small Business Owner
Ajay Sonalkar
Maureen Kill AFT member, North Seattle College
Daniel Morton Pikes Peak Library District
Baheerathan Rajalingam
Sean Guillory
Jean-Christophe Helary
Dan Ryan
Barbara Allen Historian
Kathleen Menichelli
Doug Tarnopol
Kimberly Beam
Jessica Smith
Alexis Dindal
Gary Von Schilling
Jenn Porter Student at Hampshire College
Erin Buckingham University of Saint Joseph
Bryan T Gleason
Calum Csunyoscka Human Change Enthusiast
Danielle Etes
sam venturo
Joseph Lowndes University of Oregon
Roger Odisio
Daria Rogers
Matt Snow
Bryan Atinsky Restarauteur
Gwen McClellan Independent
Christopher C McGihon Democrat (switching back to Independent post 2016
Dennis Maksymiw
Maritza Boak
Alan Gregory Wonderwheel I go back to the Citizens Party
James Lewis
David Wiegner
Caroline Sykora Public School Teacher
Art Jaszczyk Thornhill (Markham) for Bernie in 2016
Feeling The Bern, in Connecticut student, mom, pet owning, American
Norm Braveman
Bonnie Hong, Community Activist, running for CT State Representative 46th assembly District
Cornelio R. Hong M.D. Private Practice 30 Yrs. now VA Physician
Blake Holden
Kori Racela Middle class mother of 3
Lisbeth Toth Lisbeth Toth
Terry Bitzel
Jacob Liedke Seymour, CT
Jeff May Software Engineer / Progressive
Cindi Maguire CWA 1298
Jennifer Shepardson
Dakota Butterfield Farmer
Louise Margarite retired TX state employee
Annie hoffman
Eugene Skura Teacher, IEA-NEA Union member
Ted Stolze AFT, Local 6215
Mike Addabbo Concerned Citizen
Kim Marie Houle
Angie Still Human Race
John Dolan writer
Olivier Jutel University of the South Pacific
Greg Bates Common Courage Press
Abigail Rotholz Therapist, Hilo, HI
Dominique Rockwell Retired Teacher
Art Jaszczyk OSSTF (ARM - D. 12 Toronto, Canada)
Anne Philips Jamaica Plain, MA
Chereva perkins Eugene OR
Tanner Mirrlees Toronto, Canada
Jude Rene Montarsi Veteran, Disabled, Gay, Single, Poor, Over 60 Rural Citizen
Jude Rene Montarsi Veteran, Disabled, Rural, Gay, Poor 60+
michelle caudill
Tiernan Erickson
Darby Lewis Idaho Progressive
Kathleen Jones Mother of two "war eligible" sons who says NO MORE!
Crystal Thomas
Joseph Czarnota Teacher and Business owner
Ron Ambes
I would love to contribute FOREVER! Retired homeowner
Jessica Wilson Psychotherapist and mother
Diane Talbot Democrat
Linda Hogan
JoAnn Murphy Bleeding Heart Liberal
Emily Houlik-Ritchey
Chuck Petch Writer
Marshall Helmberger Newspaper publisher/editor
Jamie Green Collage Radio Breakfast Host
Mary Ann Jasper
Deborah Davis
Jim Ransone
Sami Bouamrane Musician
Madeline Padgett
Berl Oakley
Stephanie Conrad
Kyle Bobich
Tim Hill
Lisa Scerbo Democratic committee and activist member Saratogians for Bernie
Erin Syversen, Washington State
Eliza Strode
Robert King IBEW 134
James Schroeder Musician
Mary Kay Ryan
Lori Legator
Anne Sabin
Jack Large retired educator, anthropologist
Robin Berg PEF retiree
Ricky Adams Educator
Linda Smith software engineer
Penelope Reider Expat who's never been more inspired by a candidate than Bernie
Dewayne Cook
Michelle kehm Writer
Sandhya Sridhar
Diane Gilbert  retired teacher
Jason St John American
Craig McAvoy
Jaime Lee Currier Educator, Musician, Artist
Corey Christensen
Amanda Spring Musician
Jon Reynolds
Keely LeDoux
John LeDoux
Patricia Detally Democrat
Mike Spivak
Kathy Colbus retail
Laura Kirkland IND for President Bernie & Jane Sander's
Patty M. White Bernie Lover
Deborah H
Dustin D Rozanc
Jes Minor
Adrian Howley Progressive
Louise Lee Retired
Sue Newsom Progressive Democrat in  a Republican state
Laurie Robey
Farad Hemm
Christiane Dechert pacifist
Matthew Petrus
Susan Hutchinson
Catherine Cacciatore Bernie supporter and proud mother
Kiera Woods
Sallie Riley
Doreen Notaro Democrat
David Hermanson
Cary Grace Graceforjustice.com
Noah Baron University of Pennsylvania
Alice McVeigh supporter
Kindrid Parker Democrat (but only so I can vote)
Kindrid Parker Filmmaker
Gary Yarus
Jim Durham
Stefani Heller D
Maria vukmir Independent
Thomas Zook
Peter E. Case Retired, Erie Canal Lock Operator
Lisa Spearman Boomer from Elgin, Texas
Aimee Pollack-Baker
Spencer & Lori Eden supporters!
Christine Voet-Zeman
loesje vervloet Free thinker.
Liliane Heller Independent - former Republican and former democrat - nothing was right but this is
Roanna Keough
Pamela Doughty Democrat. ...soon to be Independent
Lisa Wolters
Crystal Minugh-Brutscher
Bradley Clopton None
Algie Wolters
Paul Williams
Steve Smith RealStew
Ramona Montano democrat
Lisa Broadwell
Trish Noll
Marceline Richrdson  retired IAM ,senior citizen support and donor. none
Arlene Evans
lewis isaacs Retire pipefitter, cincinnati union #392
Christopher Smith
Michelle Owings-Christian Musician, Singer, Writer, Speaker
Ed Watson & Family Native American/Boomers For Sanders.
Sandra Steen Retired
Susan Gaida ARNP, Bradenton, FL
Lawrence A. Houck Democrat
scott gilley    retired indiana
Suzanne Farrington
Michelle Snowden
Charlie O'Dowd Activist  Advocate
Josephine Woods non identified
Laura McKaughan
Isabel Sullivan Retiree and volunteer
Jams DeSeranno Democrat
Diana Sorensen Democrat
Elena Polletta Concerned Citizen
Sita Lynn Scott
Amy Rendziak
John Lorenc
John F. Webster
Peter Rose
Elizabeth Coniglio Democrate
Robert Magil Insurance Professional
Consuelo Paz Spanish teacher Newark, NJ
leslie price American farmer
Marti Murphy MTOriginals /  born ONE DAY BEFORE YOU!
Lawrence Garcia Democrat
Travis Moore
Jennifer MacKintosh Former Independent, now Democrat
Ryan Holden Duffy California
George Lea
Jay Lyon Bernie Sanders volunteer
Nathan Donovan University of California, Santa Cruz
Karin Lefler Cancer Survivor for Medical Marijuana / No Monsanto
David Savage Public School Music Teacher
Glenda and Jim Lowe Democratic
Robert Magil Insurance Professional
Phil Phillips Sales
Kevin Stevens Artist
Lynne J. Berry
doug smith
Fielden Madden Union Bricklayer
Joan Callaway
Donna Roman
Patricia Farrington Educator activist
Miles Mogulescu Huffington Post
Alvin Humphrey
Kathleen Howard
Marvin H. Gladstone Founder, Media Arts Collaborative Charter School
Jonathan Katz
Donna R. Verville Individual donor and volunteer
Beth Marciel
Doug Busch
Lawrence Madole Follower of Eugene V. Debs, Retired
Robert Getsla IWW, SEIU, IBEW
Dale Bretches
Terrence Kurylo MSU - Economics Major
Raymond L. Eurquhart
Andréa Velásquez Restaurant Opportunities Center
Katie Mac IBCLC, Mother, Friend
Michael Cunningham
Sarah Zinn Jaded Democrat
Michael Denvir Musician and Attorney
Lawrence Hargis Banjo Player
John Proctor IWW
Shannon Mac For Bernie 2016
Kare Jessie
Adam Singer Global Citizen
Nicolle D. Bies Homemaker and Concerned Citizen
Jasmin Arianna Valjas
Ekaterina Adams
Cathy Cole Retired, Honolulu, HI
Leslie M Burney
Candice Crowe A voter
Kyle Lorditch
Russell J. Hanks Diplomat, retired
Sean McCullough http://www.caucus99percent.com
Michael Wilkinson
Dylan Ramos Hawaii/LMU
Patrick Jones
Candice Davis
willow naeco
Carrie Oakwood Mom registered Democrat  ready to leave the party
Matthew Aronowitz High Schooler
Christopher Marciano Democrat from Westchester NY
Daniel Husman
Kelly Myers
Anthony O'Doherty Retired. Southern California.
Lesley-Anne Stone
matthew puffer
Christine Villavicencio
Cliff Willmeng RN, (UFCW Local 7), Green Party Candidate for Colorado's US Congressional District 2
Marianne Potje restaurant cook
Ken Miller Columbia University
Brandon Ballweg
Sheri L. Miller Progressive Independent
Noelle Seguin
Wendy Rolon
Jay Kazemi
Page Kioschos
Sharon Coleman Social Media Activist
Edrie Irvine
Chris Abrecht
Steve Ramirez former DSOCer
S. Ghosh Canadian, but a working US example will spread here
S. Ghosh Canadian, but a working US example will spread here
Chris Rasmussen
Eddie Louise Clark Author
Vince Taylor Oakmont for Bernie Organizer
Patricia Sciortino Educator
Sandra J. Klassen Local Democratic Party leader
Jonathan Chenjeri I.W.W.
Brenda Robinson
Ryan Murphy
Lucy Willems
Vivien Davenport
Jodee Brekke Colorado Community Rights Network
Jeanne AbateMarco, MS,RN
Ken Quam Northern Virginia For Bernie Sanders
Caleb I
Kerry Michael Tym Citizen, voter, Bernie supporter!
Cheyenne Stewart Union Organizer, Graduate Student
Linda Oakey Bernie Volunteer
Michael mastin
Stefan G. Brün Prop Thtr
Deirdre O'Callaghan
Joseph Eichler
Susan Carsey
Alfredo Galdamez
Ashley Hedrick
Angelica Chayes
Dan Potter Serial Donor, Sanders Campaign
Dianna Gilroy
Richard Rothar Independent
Rona Fried CEO, SustainableBusiness.com
Ron Benenati SustainableBusiness.com
Jeff Santos Talk Host
David F. Whitten Father of a nine year old son
Jake Wimberley
Jonathan G. Travel Specialist
Evan Herzoff Socialist Alternative, Movement4Bernie
Cara McGarvey Phila, PA
Ken Sandin  Healthcare-NOW! of Montgomery County
 Blake Golber Northeast Seafood Products
William Potts
Ariela Rothstein UFT, Movement of Rank and File Educators
Peter E. Case Retired/Disabled
Judith L Briggs IWW, Detroit Light Brigade
Thomas Topolski Teacher East Kentwood High School
Ann Collins Swisher Supporter
Kerry Stacey NEA
Katie Brumley Grand Rapids, MI
Paul Symanski
Charlotte Jan Mom and Registerd Nurse
Eugene Brumley
Amy Thompson
Andrea Bilger Wisconsin
Linda Bradley
Henry R. Post Independent
David Factor D.S. of A, I.W.W., electrician
Nathaniel DuPhene Endangered Patriot, Progressive Rebel
Rosalie Belanger-Rioux Mathematics Preceptor, Harvard University
Alexander Drysdale IWW
Nathan Reiber IWW member
David Vogel BernieCrat Candidate, Florida House of Reps
Jeffrey A. Dustin IWW
Priyanka Basu
Micah Landau Democratic Socialists of America
Nadya Godoy Icassatti Democrat
Matt Hoarn
John R. Parker, Jr.
Nicole Lefebvre
Michele Bline
_anonym Author of ~An Epiphany On Wall Street~
Steven James Silva Retired Technical Writer & Activist
Lisa Hicks Supporter
Marilyn Chilcote Retired pastor
Victoria Lamica
George Kush Working Class
Greg Colley, OFS Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME)
Laura Nakamura, Concord, CA Catholics United for Justice

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