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Join GPB's Education Advisory Group!
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We are looking for passionate, innovative educators to serve on our GPB Education Advisory Group (EAG) for the 2024-2025 school year. The group will be comprised of leaders in Georgia’s education community who meet (4) times virtually during the year to foster collaboration among teachers and GPB Education staff, discuss topics related to digital learning and instructional best practices, and provide feedback on GPB Education’s digital resources. You will receive a small stipend if selected.
Your Name: *
Email Address: *
School Name: *
School address/ City/ State/ Zip:
Grades/Subjects Taught: *
Number of years as an educator: *
Explain why you would like to join the GPB Education Advisory Group. *
Explain how you currently interact with GPB Education. (Are you currently using our resources? Have you attended any of our professional learning sessions? Follow us on social media? etc.) *
By submitting this application for consideration, you understand that if chosen, you agree to the following:
1. Participate in online collaborative Facebook group.
2. Provide feedback to GPB Education as needed throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
3. Participate in quarterly meetings (mostly virtual with the possibility of one in-person meeting).
4. Share GPB and PBS LearningMedia resources with colleagues.
6. Commit to being part of the GPB Education Advisory Group for a one-year term.
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