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May Hour Power Tutor Tracker
Happy May everyone! Now comes time to wrap up the school year! We hope that all of you are getting those good final test scores in! Let's be sure to keep powering through till the very last day. Remember to get those hours and for, the tutor seniors the requirements have changed to 20 hours for only 1 semester. If you ever have any questions about anything you can always DM us on Instagram @chshourpower or email us at 
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"One must maintain a little bit of summer, even being in the middle of winter.  " - Henry David Thoreau 
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Last Name:  *
Email:  *
What was the name of your tuttee?
What subject did you help with today and what level? (example: math II, AP Chem, et al...)
What did you work on with your tuttee?
What did you think of the quote? *
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