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Non-sexist Language and Interpreting
This questionnaire is designed to assess the knowledge, awareness, and practices of professional interpreters regarding the use of non-sexist language during interpretation. It is estimated to take no more than 10 minutes to complete it.
All data will be treated and anonymized confidentially and will be used exclusively for research purposes. We are very grateful for your cooperation.
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1. What is your age group? Please select the appropriate range.

2. Please select your gender. *
3. In which country do you reside? *

4. Are you currently working as an interpreter?


5. Are you (or have you been) working mainly as an in-house interpreter or a freelance interpreter?

6. In which country do you usually work? *
7. How many years of experience do you have as an interpreter? Please select the appropriate range.

8. Are you accredited as an interpreter by an institution or interpreters’ association?


8.1. If yes, please specify the accreditation body:

9. Which market do you primarily work for? (if "other", please specify)

10. Please specify your language combination (A,B,C)

10.1. A language (s):


10.2. B language(s):

10.3. C language(s):

11. In which areas do you specialise in as a interpreter? (If "other", please specify)

12. Do you interpret from natural gender or genderless languages (such as English, Danish, Swedish, Estoninan, Finish and Hungarian) into grammatical gender languages (such as German, Arabic, Romance languages or Slavic languages)?
12.1. If you have answered yes to the above question, do you think that this language difference regarding gender makes interpreting more difficult?
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12.2. What is your strategy to handle gender specification differences between the original and target language in those occasions?

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