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First Third Survey
Our Waiapu Diocese is hoping to collect information about what is currently running for what we are calling The First Third Ministry,  the age group 0-24.  Please complete this short survey.  
Your answers are anonymous and we do not need you to provide any identifiable information if you do not wish.  If your context does not easily fit with any of these questions, these please feel free to answer them the best that you can.  Thank you for your help. 
Marg Barsanti and Alan Burnett
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Where are you based in our Diocese? *
How big of a priority has the focus on First Third (0-24) ministry been in your Parish?
(0 is not a priority, 5 is a big priority)
Please add any clarifying comments
How effective do you think your current ministry for The First Third is? *
Please add any clarifying comments
How supported do you feel to run ministry for the people covered by this age range? *
Please add any clarifying comments
How resourced and equipped do you feel to run ministry for the people covered by this age range? *
Please add any clarifying comments
Please identify what your Parish currently provides for these age groups... *
What is a dream you would like to see happen with the First Third Ministry?  If there were no money or resource restrictions... *
Thank you for participating in this survey.  

We really want to understand what our Parishes are faced with and how we can best partner with you for success.  

Would you be willing to have a visit with or a phone call from me, if it would help me to have the best awareness and understanding of your challenges.  

If yes, please add details below.
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