Become a Volunpeer!
If you want to engage in activism to help push Peercoin forward, then become a volunpeer! By providing information to us about your interests and skills, as well as a way to contact you, if any Peercoin projects come up that require volunteers from the community, we'll make sure to get in touch with you about it if we feel you can help out.

We also engage in weekly volunpeer activism called swarms, where we'll send out an email to all volunpeers with a task to complete, whether it's contacting an exchange to add support for Peercoin, a payment processor, merchants or simply giving your opinion on an important subject. We'll even throw in some Peercoin related news, so these emails can act as a weekly update for everyone that reads them! Here is an example volunpeer swarm email so you know what to expect before you sign up...

Example Swarm Email:

Volunpeer Benefits:
- Custom "Volunpeer" Title on
- Colored Name in Forum Chat Box
- Earn Tips for Volunteering
- Peercoin Related News in Volunpeer Emails
- The Chance to Help Move Peercoin Forward!
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What is your username? *
Please enter a valid email address if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. From time to time you will receive action items via email that need to be completed. *
Note: Your email will be held in strict confidence, and will never be shared with any outside parties without your express permission.
We have a number of areas that require volunteers. Which of the following areas are you interested in? Pick "General" if you have no specific interest but would still like to contribute to the Peercoin community. *
For the responses you picked in Question 3, how much experience do you have with each area? We're looking for people of all experience levels, so don't worry if it's not much! Enthusiasm is just as important as expertise.
If you're willing to participate, how many hours a week would you be willing to volunteer? *
If you're willing to participate, what days of the week would you normally be available? (Check all that apply) *
Tell us a little about yourself! How long have you been in cryptocurrency? What brought you to Peercoin? What do you enjoy most about the community? What experiences do you hope to get from volunteering?
Finally, what city/country are you located in? This will help us with scheduling events in the future.
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