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Images in Social Media - survey

Help us create the perfect social media tool

Do you ever struggle with adjusting images for social media?
We're developing a tool to simplify this process so you can make your online presence look great – with minimal effort.

With your help we can build the perfect tool.

Please answer this 2-minute survey – and help us build something really useful to you.
(We’ll even keep you updated on how it’s going)


Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. How often do you post images to social media? *
2. Which platforms do you post images to most often? (select all platforms you use)
3. What was happening in your life (or work) that brought you to use the Simple Image Resizer website today?
(What were you trying to achieve, why, and did you succeed?)

E.g. I was trying to get a photo of my pet otter ready for upload. I’m trying to grow my instagram following on my otter fan page, which I'm hoping to monetise some day. I wanted to fit it to a square image and managed to get it done. I would have preferred a background full of other otters but the blur effect was a good substitute
4. Do you ever have problems adjusting images to meet the requirements of social media platforms? If so, please describe them here *
5. Do you have any issues with preparing videos for social media? *

6. We might want to talk to you more about your social media and image editing experiences. Would you be open to an online interview? If chosen, you'll be compensated for your time by way of thanks.

7. Would you like to stay informed about the release of the tool you've contributed to? We’ll also add you to our mailing list so you’ll get other exclusive insights on our latest tools, apps, and features.
Your email: If you said yes to 6 or 7, please share your email address here:
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