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International Passive House Open Days  | Los Angeles SB9 & ADU
"Passive House SB9 & ADU in Los Angeles is participating in the International Passive House Open Days.

Experience a small-scale Passive House Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Single-Family Residence per SB9. learn more about the comfort, performance and indoor air-quality of the international Passive House construction standard.

Date:           Saturday June 29, 2024 
Time:          10:00 am - 12:30pm (presentation with Q&A session at 10:30am) 
Location:    12531 Wagner Street Los Angeles, California 90066

Each person attending is required to sign-up separately. You will be visiting an active construction site. Your safety is important, so please be aware that you are entering at your own risk. We kindly ask that you wear sturdy shoes, stay within designated visitor areas, and be mindful of uneven surfaces, construction materials, and tools. Please watch out for trip hazards and exercise caution around machinery and equipment. Additionally, we request that children and animals be supervised by their parents at all times.  

Street parking only. Kindly be considerate of our neighbors.

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Liability waiver for all visitors: By submitting this registration and entering the premises, visitors agree to absolve owner, contractor, architect and Passive House California from any liability for personal injury or property damage that may occur during the visit.
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