FtBCon(science)4 Session Proposal
Use this form to tell us what you'd like to do at FtBCon(science) January 22-24, 2016. Complete proposals will be given precedence.
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What's your name/'nym? *
What email address can we use to follow up with you? *
What is the URL for your Google+ profile? (Used for setting up the session hangouts.) *
Please provide your Twitter handle, link to your Lanyrd profile, or a brief bio. *
Are you proposing a panel or a talk? *
What is the title of your session? *
Please provide a short description of your session. (Used to advertise the session.) *
Why are you interested in running a session on this topic? *
FtBCon(science)4 sessions will run from 6 p.m. CST January 22 to 6 p.m. CST January 24. Sessions start on the hour and half hour. What are your available and preferred times for your session? (Specify time zone.) *
How much time will your session require? *
The remaining questions apply only to panels. What is the name/'nym of your first additional speaker?
What email address may we use to contact this speaker? (Used only for Hangout logistics.)
What is the URL for this speaker's Google+ profile?
Please provide a Twitter handle, link to a Lanyrd profile, or brief bio for this speaker.
What is the name/'nym of your second additional speaker?
What email address may we use to contact this speaker?
What is the URL for this speaker's Google+ profile?
Please provide a Twitter handle, link to a Lanyrd profile, or brief bio for this speaker.
What is the name/'nym of your third additional speaker?
What email address may we use to contact this speaker?
What is the URL for this speaker's Google+ profile?
Please provide a Twitter handle, link to a Lanyrd profile, or brief bio for this speaker.
What is the name/'nym of your fourth additional speaker?
What email address may we use to contact this speaker?
What is the URL for this speaker's Google+ profile?
Please provide a Twitter handle, link to a Lanyrd profile, or brief bio for this speaker.
What is the name/'nym of your fifth additional speaker?
What email address can we use to contact this speaker?
What is the URL for this speaker's Google+ profile?
Please provide a Twitter handle, link to a Lanyrd profile, or brief bio for this speaker.
It is not recommended that panels have more than six speakers. If you need to have additional speakers, however, please provide their information.
Which speaker will moderate the panel?
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