Rusty Quill Official Discord Feedback Submission
[Form Version 1.1 - August 2020]
As our community grows, it is important that we put into place effective methods for which you can raise any concerns about the way we are acting, how our community spaces are being moderated and offer suggestions for improvements to our operations. We are human, we are fallible, but we would like the opportunity to learn from any mis-steps and from the experiences of our fans as to how we can make things better for all of us.
I can guarantee that any feedback you offer will be reviewed and considered by the appropriate folks at Rusty Quill, and will help inform our actions & plans. Unfortunately, we cannot at this stage always offer individual responses, but rest assured that your voice is being heard.
Furthermore, this is not going to be the be-all-and-end-all of our engagement, but is an ongoing process as we learn, and improve our working practices.
Thank you!
Autumn Jarvis
Community Assistant