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The purpose of this survey is to gather demographic insights, purchase history, decision-making behavior, and satisfaction data. This information will help us better understand how experienced bowlers, enthusiasts, and newcomers approach buying bowling balls. Complete the survey for a chance to win a bowling ball of your choice!
Survey ends 1/24/2025. The winner will be drawn randomly and announced on 1/27/2025.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Do you bowl in a league? *
What is your age? *
What is your gender? *
How many years have you bowled for? *
How often do you bowl? *
When was the last time you purchased a bowling ball? *
If you have never purchased a bowling ball, are you interested in doing so?
(Answer only if applicable)
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How many bowling balls do you currently own? *
Where have you typically purchased bowling balls? (Select all that apply) *
What motivates you to buy a new bowling ball? (Select all that apply) *
When choosing a bowling ball, what information do you rely on most? (Select all that apply) *
What steps do you take before buying a bowling ball? (Select all that apply) *
What factors matter most when selecting a bowling ball? (Select all that apply) *
How confident are you in your ability to choose the right bowling ball? *
How satisfied were you with your last bowling ball purchase? (if you own more than one, or have mixed buying experiences, choose the option that best reflects your overall experience over time) *
Do you plan to purchase a new bowling ball in the next 12 months? *
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