English and Media Faculty - Student Voice
This is your opportunity to let us know how you feel about your lessons in English/Media. Be honest. Your answers will be anonymised.

Please complete this survey for each of your teachers and subjects.

For example, if you are a GCSE English student with two English teachers, please take the survey twice - once focusing on the lessons of the first teacher, and once focusing on the lessons of the second.

If you're taking both A Levels in English, you'll need to complete the survey four times. Sorry! We promise it's quick.
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Your English class
Which group are you in? *
Check your timetable if you're unsure.
Which teacher are you completing the survey for this time? *
Your lessons with this teacher
For each of the statements below, please select the option that best describes how you feel.
1. I feel my teacher treats me fairly and with respect. *
2. My lessons are enjoyable and engaging. *
3. I can ask my teacher questions if I'm unsure. *
4. In lessons I understand what I am learning and why it is important. *
5. In these lessons, I feel I am making progress. *
6. I know what I need to do to improve. *
7. My teacher sets regular homework using Show My Homework. *
8. My teacher regularly gives feedback on work that helps me to improve. *
9. The attitude to learning of students in these lessons is good. *
10. I feel safe in these lessons. *
11. What do you like most about your lessons with this teacher?
This question is optional.
12. What do you like least about your lessons with this teacher?
This question is optional.
Your details
Don't worry - your answers are anonymous - but we need these details so we know who's completed the survey and who we need to chase up!

One lucky survey taker will receive £10 on their student account as a thank you for their time.
What's your first name? *
What's your surname? *
Do you belong to any of the following groups? (Please select as many as apply.) *
Would you be willing to take part in a student panel in which you'd have the opportunity to discuss your views? *
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