Gardner PTO Holiday Bazaar 2015 Vendors

Gardner Elementary Holiday Bazaar 2015, hosted by the Gardner Elementary School PTO, is a fun community event with something for every member of the family! We will have artists and vendors from our community, a holiday shoppe for the kids to purchase affordable  presents, a wrapping station, raffles, and more! The Holiday Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 5th, 2015 Gardner Elementary School at 10 Church Street in Swansea, MA.  Proceeds will benefit the Gardner Elementary School PTO, whose mission is to enhance the educational experience of every student by working together with parents, teachers, and administrators, supporting a variety of quality learning experiences that foster community..


 Gardner Elementary School, 10 Church Street, Swansea, MA


Deadline for application: November 30, 2015
Event date: December 5th, 2015 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


This is our first time running this event. We hope it will be a great success! We will be sending home information about the event  for each child in our school, as well as other schools in the area. We will also be posting flyers in local business and using social media to spread the word.

By completing this application, you are requesting an 8' table space for this event. Please note that tables, chairs, etc. are *NOT* included in the cost of this application. The number of vendor spaces available will be limited to prevent duplicate items; the PTO representatives will base the decision of who to include or refuse based on the date of submitted and paid  application.  

We ask that you provide a clear description below of the items you intend to sell.  Please feel free to include photos or links to your photos. Businesses, organizations, or services are welcome to participate at the Holiday Bazaar!  We will limit representative tables to ensure the best opportunity to reach your desired clientele.  Should you be refused, your application fee will be returned to you.

**Set up begins at 8:30 AM. All businesses should be open for business by 10:00 AM. Tables should remain set up until 1:00 PM. All vendors should be cleared out by 2:30 PM. **


Vendors are requested to donate an item for raffle on the day of the event. Items should be at least $25 in value. If you are willing to participate by donating an item, please describe the item(s) below with their approximate retail value. If you do not wish to participate, please indicate this below.

**We cannot provide electricity, or guarantee wireless network availability. Please plan accordingly.**

Submission of application does not guarantee acceptance to the Holiday Bazaar.  The event coordinator reserves the right to refuse admittance to any vendor they deem inappropriate or ill-suited to the event.  All applicants will receive email verification of acceptance or rejection and the location of their booth.

After submitting this form, please write a check for $25.00 per table space to Gardner Elementary PTO, 10 Church Street, Swansea, MA 02777. Applicants that aren't paid in full will not be considered.

Please provide us with the following information to become a vendor at the 2015 Holiday Bazaar for the Gardner Elementary School PTO.

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What is the name of your business? *
First Name
Last Name
email address *
Phone Number
What type of item or service will you be selling? *
Number of 8' spaces needed
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Category *
Is there anything else you want us to know?
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