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QiP Symposium 2022: Oral Presentation Score Sheet
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Presentation 1
Improving the provision and quality of safety netting instructions for patients seen in Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)

Chloe Jacklin et al
Presentation *
The presentation was clear, concise, and kept to time, the slides or media used were well designed.
QIP design *
The QIP was well designed and adhered to QI methodology. Stakeholders were described and patients or carers involved where possible.
Alignment with key priorities *
The QIP aligned with current patient safety concerns in primary or secondary care or with OUHT strategic or educational objectives.
Results *
The results and/or illustrations were clearly presented. Quantitative and qualitative data were used appropriately.
Conclusions and sustainability plan *
There was a summary and appropriate conclusions were drawn. Was a solution presented to the issue(s) highlighted? Was there a clear plan for sustainability (e.g. nominated individual / team to carry on the work?)
Any further comments
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