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NOCO Lightning Academy 'Play It Forward' (PIF) Financial Assistance Program
Competitive and LDP program registration fees only (applicant must purchase player(s) uniforms)
One application annually
Maximum of 2
per application
Award of up to 50% per player available (i.e. current maximum is $700/year)
Applicant must agree to pay the remaining 50% balance in full (payment plans are available)
Applicant must commit to a minimum of 10 hours of volunteerism per player per season
Applications are subject to NOCOLA Board of Directors review and approval
Allocation of PIF assistance is contingent on the balance available in the fund
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* Indicates required question
Full name of applicant?
Your answer
Applicant's relationship to player?
Legal Guardian
Self (If over 18 years old, applying for self)
If 'Other' was selected, please clarify.
Your answer
Applicant's Contact Information (Phone # and Email)
Your answer
Player(s) Full Name(s):
Your answer
Player(s) current team(s)? (For example: U12 Gold)
Your answer
How many players do you have in our Competitive and Intermediate soccer programs? Please specify.
Your answer
Please explain your financial situation and outline the need for PIF assistance?
Your answer
What is your player's 'Soccer Story'? (For example: how long have they played, how long have they been with our club, what do they enjoy about soccer, what are their soccer goals, etc.?)
Your answer
Amount of financial assistance being requested?
If 'Other' was selected above, please specify.
Your answer
Do you agree to
commit to a minimum of 10 hours of volunteerism per player per season?
Do you have any special skills that we could utilize for your volunteer hours? (For example: administrative, IT, events, projects)
Your answer
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