Petition Opposing Right-Wing Media Smears on Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center
Dear Fox News,

Opportunity in this country extends to the ability to worship freely, a fundamental right in America. To smear an important community institution by ignorantly painting all Muslims with the same brush is reprehensible. I will not sit on the sidelines while Fox News smears an organization that has helped those in our community who are in need, regardless of their faith.

The members of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center provide rental and financial assistance for individuals in our community who are struggling to make ends meet. They open their doors every week to provide food to people who don’t have enough to eat, and host programs to help women and girls get back on their feet.

It is time for Fox News to stop dividing our country using fear and hate. I stand with the Virginia Legislature and recognize that we ought to celebrate all of those institutions in our communities that work to expand opportunity and create a better future for our children.


All of the undersigned
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