Conflict Questionnaire
Thank you for participating in this questionnaire, rOpensci unconf participant! Its aim is to gauge your personal experiences of conflict working within this open source community. It is based on the premise that conflict is a normal part of our everyday life and can range from a difference of opinion to total communication breakdown.

The contents of this questionnaire are necessarily completely CONFIDENTIAL and I appreciate your total candidness. I will be using the responses as part of a final paper in my dispute systems design course!

Thank you,

Eduardo Ariño de la Rubia
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If you have a process to deal with disagreements or conflicts, please set out briefly what it is
Does the community have a process to deal with disagreements or conflicts?
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Where you have been in a difficult situation with someone in the community, did you... (check multiple if applicable)
Have you ever experienced any of the following in the community
If you have experienced any of the problems set out in 2 above, please set out in as much detail as possible what happened and how it affected you
Where you have been in a difficult situation with another person in the community, do you feel that it was resolved successfully for you? Please explain your answer.
Where you have been in a difficult situation with another person in the community, do you feel that the other person felt that it was resolved successfully for them? Please explain your answer.
Have you ever withheld information from someone in the community (e.g. buried bad news)in order to avoid an argument
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In your opinion, why do disagreements in the community come about
Which of the following most accurately describes the approach the community takes to address internal conflict?
Where you have been in a conflict situation in the community, did you... (check multiple if applicable)
If you decided to leave the community, what would be your main reason for doing so (please be specific so if, for example, the reason is stress, please identify the cause of the stress)
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