Are you an Avoidant? Do you think you might be? Do you live with, or date someone that you think is an Avoidant?

Lets all try to learn from each other, why we are Avoidants and what makes us tick. Maybe if we are gather data, we can learn about this and even find ways to combat it.

We promise not use your private information in any way other than to occasionally contact you, if you give us permission to do so. We promise we wont try to sell you anything or bug you.

Some questions might seem a bit odd. But we are trying to gather data that we think Avoidants have in common. We will only know this when we get a lot of responses and can tabulate the data.

My name is Phillip. I have Avoidant Personality issues as well. I am not a Psychiatrist. My only wish is to help myself and others that are Avoidants, or think they might be.

If you are living with someone that you think is an Avoidant, please note that and answer those questions that pertain to that.
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First Name
Last Name
Do you want to be on our mailing list? *
Email Address *
We will not share your email address with anyone. We will only contact you if needed.
City *
State *
Country *
Have you been diagnosed as an Avoidant? *
If not, do you think you are an Avoidant? *
Why do you think you are an Avoidant? *
Do you have trouble sleeping? *
Have you ever dabbled in the occult? *
If so, please choose which occult you have delt with
If you have dabbled in the occult, please explain in detail
When did the symptoms start? *
Are you on any Medication? *
Do you take vitamins? *
Are you married or have a significant other? *
Do you live with this person?
Do you think your spouse is an Avoidant? *
Why do you think your spouse is an Avoidant? *
Do you like people? *
Do you consider yourself smarter than the average person? *
Does being around other people make your physically ill? *
If yes, please describe
Do you have active dreams? *
Active dreams are dreams in which you know you are dreaming and can control them
When did you 1st kiss a woman or man? *
Are you a virgin? *
Do you have problems in bed? *
Are you easily hurt by criticism? *
Do you avoid being around people? *
If married, or in a relationship, do you cower when your partner raises his or her voice? *
What do you do for a living? *
Do you ever leave your home? *
If you know you are an Avoidant, how do you cope with it? *
Do you want to see data once it is accumulated? *
I could care less about others *
Do you have a family member that is also an Avoidant? *
Are you overly critical? *
Are you spiritual? *
If other, please decribe
I am a very Compassionate person *
I suffer from Addictions *
I have tried to kill myself *
If so, how many times? *
Do you know someone else that you think is an Avoidant? *
If so, please try to get them to take this survey *
Has anything happened during the course of your life that has caused your condition to start or get worse? *
Sometimes Avodaints lead normal lives until one day, something seems to hapen which triggers the symptoms or worssen them
Have you sought medical or physiatric help? *
Any other informaition that you want to share? *
Have you served in the military? *
Are you single, but want to be in a relationship? *
Do you work from home? *
Have you read or done any research on what an Avoidant is? *
Do you want to know more about what its like being an Avoidant? *
Are you shy?
Are you anti-Social?
Clear selection
Do others think you are odd? *
Do you think you are odd? *
Do you think others are better than you? *
Do you have problems with rejection? *
Do you belong to any help or support groups? *
Do you consider yourself overly sensative? *
Do you have have problems with Authority? *
What is your age? *
What is your exact age? *
Anything else that you feel like you want to share *
Do you have any suggestions, or ideas? *
either about questions to include on this form or about Avoidants?
Would you be interested in joining an online  support group? *
We might start this if there is enough interest
If so, is there a day and time that you would be able to come to the live group? *
If you prefer, you can also listen to the archived verion of the group/show
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