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Join MonSTARS TV Combo Plan
YES! i want access to a digital Malay language quiz for my child!

MonSTARS TV is a one stop portal full of fun and exciting bilingual (Malay/English) edutainment content catered especially for Primary School kids! It is 100% produced in Singapore and are based on original Singapore Malay children songs found in our Lagu-Lagu Kita compilation.
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Please select the combo you would like to purchase. These combos will grant access to all 5 webisodes within the category and level of choice. *
Please select the level for the quiz.
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Name of Parent
Name of Child *
Contact Number (Mobile) *
Email Address *
Payment Details, Terms & Conditions
Payment options:
1. PayNow via UEN 201327250W (Mini Monsters Limited)
2. I-banking/ATM transfer to posb savings 104-43933-0

Please send transaction screenshot to mobile number 9797 9258 upon successful transfer. You will receive a text from Mini Monsters who will acknowledge receipt of payment. A link to the quiz questions will be sent to you via mobile and/or email within 2 working days. Should you not receive any links, please contact Lydia at 97979258.

The combo plans selected will grant access to all 5 webisodes within the category and level of choice.

We regret to inform that no refund of payment will be given.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions stated. *
Thank you for registering your Combo Plan.
We're excited for your child to learn Malay online with MonSTARS TV!
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