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IMSA Board of Trustees Alumni Awards 2021
Established in 2006, the IMSA Board of Trustees Alumni Awards are the highest honors
bestowed to alumni in recognition of their accomplishments and contributions to their field of
endeavor, to IMSA, and to the citizens of Illinois, our nation and the world.

Award nominations  close on Sunday, January 31, 2021.
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1. The nominee is an alumnus. An alumnus is any person who was enrolled in IMSA’s residential program and has remained in attendance for at least one semester.

2. If selected as an award recipient, the nominee is able to attend the awards ceremony, and to accept the award.

3. The achievements of the nominee fulfill the criteria defined in one of the following awards:

Alumni Trailblazer Award: The nominee shall have earned national or international prominence for a groundbreaking and
sweeping initiative that has redefined and improved the way significant numbers of citizens live, learn or work.

Alumni Distinguished Leadership Award: The nominee shall have made distinguished achievements or leadership contributions in his/her professional field of endeavor consistent with IMSA’s mission. The awardee also may have made significant civic or community contributions or may have exemplified extraordinary courage and selflessness under challenging circumstances.

Alumni Titan Award: The nominee, through outstanding service to IMSA, has advanced the institution’s mission and work. The nominee shall have dedicated significant time, talent and/or treasure to endeavors that help the Academy fulfill its role in developing talent and leadership in mathematics, science and technology for our state, nation and world.

For a listing of previous award winners visit:

Questions? Contact Tamara Newquist, Alumni Relations Coordinator at
Nominate an IMSA Alumni *
Nominee Contact Information
All information is confidential and all nominations must be submitted by Sunday, January 31, 2021.
Phone Number
Graduation year/Year(s) Attended
Award Qualifications
Please answer the following:
Describe any achievement(s) or contribution(s) that qualify the nominee for the award category selected above.
Name any third-party sources that have recognized the significance of the nominee’s achievements (i.e. awards, professional organizations, peer-reviewed journals, major consumer or trade publications, corporate statements, government agency statements,media announcements etc.)
Nomination submitted by: (Self Nominations are welcome)
Please submit your name and any relevant contact information.
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