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Sign onto Letter to President Biden and Congress from Current and Former Foster Youth: Extend Foster Care Moratorium to Keep Us Housed
Dear President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader McCarthy, and Senate Minority Leader McConnell,

We are current and former foster youth across the United States representing our brothers and sisters in the child welfare system. Many of us have experienced not being reconnected with family, not being adopted, and aged out of foster care. This letter is signed by those only with foster care experience.

We recognize the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on you and your administration and appreciate your leadership in this unprecedented time. Youth leaving the care of the U.S. child welfare system – those who are being “kicked out” of the system – to live on their own are among the most vulnerable in our country. Unfortunately, that vulnerability has increased in the last few weeks and will continue to do so unless we take action. Many advocates, national organizations, and allies have been advocating because thousands of young people are scheduled to age out of foster care and be cut off from vital supports in less than 2 days on September 30, 2021; despite the many efforts state child welfare agencies have put into planning for this transition. The provisions of Division X of the Consolidated Appropriations Act have brought critical assistance to youth in foster care in the form of funds, housing, transportation, and case support. However, states need more time to execute these plans and get assistance to many young people who have not received help. Young people who are the responsibility of the state, are at risk of homelessness and instability if the provisions of Division X of the Consolidated Appropriations Act expire on September 30th, 2021.

Many advocates, organizations, and allies are hearing that approximately 25% of the increased federal Chafee dollars have made it directly to eligible young people due to an inadequate infrastructure of the child welfare system. If given more time, we could serve more young people with these critical supports. Some states needed to get the federal Chafee dollars appropriated through their State legislatures and others have been working hard to make sure these critical funds go directly to young people who have aged out of the child welfare system.

We do not know that the provisions of HR 5167 will be included in a Continuing Resolution or a budget package that will be considered in just a couple of days. There is a need for a proactive, nationwide response to ensure that no youth falls off the cliff. We feel that it is critical to voice our urgency and concerns to the Executive Branch during these challenging times.  
Today, we ask that you issue a public statement urging the 117th U.S. Congress to support the passage of the bipartisan H.R. 5167 by including it in the Continuing Resolution package, and if it isn't included before September 30th, 2021; then we urge that H.R. 5167 be included in anything moving forward quickly.

Secondly, we ask that you work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, U.S. Children’s Bureau and the 117th U.S. Congress to push Governors in every State in enacting statewide Executive Orders to meet the needs of young people from foster care; if H.R. 5167 doesn’t get enacted in time of the fiscal September 30th deadline.  

Lastly, we recommend that you work with States, jurisdictions, and tribes to be innovative in bringing community-based resources and services by creating statewide plans to support young people aging out of the foster care system with tangible tools towards a successful transition into adulthood. These key recommendations, informed by youth, include:    

1) Place a federal moratorium on discharging from care for young people aging out between ages 18 to 21 until September 2022 and provide continued services for older foster youth utilizing the existing funds allocated by Congress;  
2) Waive educational and workforce requirements in order for young people to extend in foster care after age 18;
3) Maintain federal Chafee Services eligibility and Education and Training Voucher funds up to the age of 27;
4) Do not count federal Chafee and ETV dollars from being counted as income that would potentially forfeit other federal governmental aid;
5) And strongly encourage 117th U.S. Congress to fully enact the bipartisan H.R. 5167.

These actions are needed to ensure the wellbeing and health of youth in and leaving foster care. We are committed to working in partnership with you and all child welfare stakeholders across the nation to ensure that young people who will be kicked out of foster care can make it through the COVID-19 crisis and thrive.

If you have any questions about these recommendations, you can contact Ryan Young at: We look forward to a future conversation to move these ideas forward.

In Solidarity,

Current and Former Foster Youth

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