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Advise on who to pitch.
Location: Online/Physical session - check relevant session 
Investors: Lounge47, Angels, VC's.

Register here for all of the following:

1. If you need advise on which investor to pitch
2. If you need to raise money
3. If you have an investment specific problem and you need advise

You could also do so directly at the ''Events' tab on our website.  

This form is only for Founders and Cofounders.  

This information will be kept confidential and shared only with your permission.

(1) All Fields require a response.
(2) Verify form before you submit, you cannot edit later.
(3) One entry for one founder. If your co-founders plan to attend the event, please have them register on this form as well.

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Founder Full Name (No nick names please) *
Startup Name (it is ok if you have multiple names, just put down one of the finalists!) *
How long in Operation? (please enter units - hours, days, weeks, months, years,etc.) *
Location of Startup (Eg: Whitefield, Bangalore) *
Team Size *
Area of Expertise/Vertical *
Elevator Pitch (140 Characters or Less) *
Do you have a registered Company for this Startup? ++ *
Type of Company Registration ++ *
Your Email ++ *
Your Mobile ++ *
Your Digital Profile (LinkedIn, facebook, Twitter) ++ *
Have you presented or pitched this company/idea earlier? *
If you have pitched earlier, tell us where you have presented. ++ *
How much money are you expecting to raise? ++ *
(make sure you mention units - just "3" will not help)
At what valuation (how much do you think your company is worth?) ++ *
(make sure you mention units)
How many customers does your company have? ++ *
Have you billed customers yet?  ++ *
(not necessary to have billed, but just asking!!)
Revenue forecast for next month? ++ *
(not necessary to have earned revenue, but just asking!!)
Revenue forecast for next 12 months? ++ *
(ahem, of course it is OK to not earn any money!!)
When do you expect to be profitable? ++ *
(if you know, otherwise take a [wild] guess!!)
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