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Christadelphian Tidings Publishing Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in sharing your content through the Christadelphian Tidings.  This form must be completed as the first step on the road to the Christadelphian Tidings Magazine publishing your content. Once you have completed and submitted the form, a member of the Tidings editorial team will contact you to discuss next steps.
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Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Working Title *
If this content has been published before, please indicate where and when *
If this content is an updated version of an earlier publication, please indicate why an updated reprint is needed *
Please include a working Table of Contents *
How long (i.e., how many words) do you anticipate the published work to be? *
Approximate number of illustrations, charts and other visuals *
I need support in creating illustrations, charts, and other visuals *
Indicate your intended readership *
What needs will your content address? *
How will readers be impacted by your content? *
How could your content be used? Please check all that apply. *
How does your content relate to existing Christadelphian works on this topic? *
What are some ways that we can create awareness of your work if it is published? *
The editing process requires constructive feedback in order to produce the best possible content.  How do see yourself working with the Tidings editorial team to create your best possible work? *
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