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PlusPlusOne Buddy - Application Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a PlusPlusOne Buddy and for your commitment to help change diversity in the marketing communication industry.

We're looking for mid-level marketing professionals who can help support our candidates in their traineeships.

As this is our pilot year, we only have a limited number of candidates who will need support but if you're happy to be considered for the future, and want to be kept up to date with our progress, we'll keep you records on file for 2022.

When the time comes, we'll facilitate candidate a candidates matching process to ensure that you have a good connection with your buddy to help build the right foundation for a successful relationship.  

We will also arrange a buddy on-boarding session in order to ensure you are well equipped to support your candidate.

And then all we ask from you is one hour of your time, per week to provide support, share your knowledge and guidance. This should be via a scheduled one-on-one call with your buddy, for the duration of their traineeship (6- to 12-months).

The details you provide on this form are completely confidential and not shared with other agencies or organisations.

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Email *
First Name
Preferred Pronoun
Date of birth *
Telephone number *
In which city do you live? In which city do you work? *
What is your job function/main area of expertise? *
What is your current job title?
What company do you currently work for? (If freelance please state)
How many years have you worked in the creative marketing industry?
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Do you have any previous mentoring or coaching experience?  If so please tell us more. *
Why are you interested in being a Buddy for  a candidate from +PlusOne? *
How long are you willing be a candidate buddy? *
Where did you hear about +PlusOne? *
Anything else you would like to share?
As this is our pilot year we only have a limited number of mentees available to work with you this year. If you'd like us to keep your details on file and contact you with program updates then let us know. *
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