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Your online learning profile
5 responses
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I consent to the information I provide being used for research or publication purposes. I understand that no personally identifying details will be used. I understand that all research material provided by me will be stored securely and treated confidentially at all times, research data will not be shared with any third parties, research data will not be used for purposes beyond the scope of this defined project. I understand that should I decide at a later stage not to proceed with participation in this research that this questionnaire response will be destroyed.
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Your name
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How long have you been working as a lecturer?
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What subject/s do you teach?
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If you have ever used webcourses, please review the following list of features and if applicable indicate your general level of satisfaction
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Do you currently use webcourses to support your teaching?
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If you have ever used GSuite/Google Apps for Education/Google Classroom please review the following list of features and if applicable indicate your general level of satisfaction
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If you have used any tools/functionality in GSuite/Google Apps for Education/Google Classroom which are not listed above, please outline briefly below.
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Do you currently use GSuite/Google Apps/Google Classroom to support your teaching?
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Are you currently looking for new technology enhanced learning tools to support your teaching?
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Any comments on any aspect of this survey?
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