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What does OER look like at your college?
18 responses
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What is your college's state-funded FTE? (an estimate is fine)
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Do you have staff or faculty dedicated for OER support on your campus?
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That dedicated staffing is located in:
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How many staff or faculty in those departments are dedicated (fully or partially) to OER?
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Which of the below characteristics describes this staffing:
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Unofficial staffing
Do you or the department in which you work have faculty or staff who are offering OER support as an unofficial part of their job?
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Unofficial staffing question 2
If yes to the previous question, where are these faculty and/or staff located?:
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Other support
What kinds of OER support does your department or institution provide? (check all that apply)
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How does your college fund that OER support? (check all that apply)
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Does your institution provide stipends, release time, or another form of incentive to full time faculty for OER development (i.e. for OER course development, open resource development, etc.)?
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What form do the OER incentives take? (check all that apply)
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If you provide stipends to faculty for OER work, where do those funds come from? (check all that apply)
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OER growth
During the past two years the use of open educational material at your college has:
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On what data or information do you base your answer to the previous question?
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During the past 12 months has your institution offered professional development for staff/faculty on OER topics?
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If your Library, eLearning or other department has made efforts to familiarize faculty/staff/administration about OER or Open Education, please describe this effort.
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 Does your institution create an inviting culture for OER?
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Take this last opportunity to provide any advice to your peers on how academic libraries and/or eLearning can foster the development of open access educational materials.
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