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ISN Mentoring Groups - Expression of Interest
Complete this form to express your interest in taking part in a mentoring group. As an organisation you can take part in more than one group, but the form should be completed by the individual who would be taking part for the group that they would like to take part in.
For more details about the pilot scheme visit:
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* Indicates required question
Your Name
Your answer
Your Role in your Organisation
Your answer
Your Email Address
Your answer
Your Organisation
Your answer
Which group would you like to join?
You or your organisation can express an interest in more than one group, but please complete a seperate form for each group you would like to join.
B Corp
Carbon Footprinting
Generating Solar Energy
Energy Efficiency Retrofit Funding
How to Create an Environmental Plan for Your Business
Introducing Circular Economy and better Waste Management
Roadmap to Net Zero Carbon & Energy Reduction in Buildings
Can’t Stand the Heat? – Overheating & Climate Change Mitigation
Is your organisation a member of ISN, or will you commit to joining via a free membership for the next year?
We are already members
We are not members but commit to join for a year under a free membership
If you are selected to join the group, are you happy to sign the mentee agreement, which commits to a certain amount of participation and engagement in your chosen topic (
view and read here
) (this is a requirement for joining)
Do you have commitment from your management team for both your participation and the general expectations for your organisation for your chosen topic?
If the group is oversubscribed we will need to select participants based on who is most likely to get something from the group. Could you please give a brief explanation of why you would like to join your chosen group.
Your answer
Are there any topics that you would like us to consider for future mentoring groups (or anything you feel you could help other members with).
Your answer
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