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American Association for Ukrainian Studies (AAUS) Membership Application/Renewal Form
** Please fill in this form ONLY IF YOU ARE PAYING AAUS MEMBER DUES BY CHECK** If at all possible, we invite you to join/renew your AAUS membership via AAUS website and pay securely online on our website If you have any questions, please email Ostap Kin, AAUS Secretary-Treasurer:

To pay by check, please make your check payable to American Association for Ukrainian Studies to: Ostap Kin, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.

AAUS members receive discounted subscription to Harvard Ukrainian Studies (HUS) journal ( Members who pay their dues will receive a personal discount code (the code will be emailed to the email address you provide below) that can be redeemed on the HUS website to subscribe to HUS at a 30% discount.

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Title *
Position *
Discipline/department *
Period(s) of your research interest *
Your university/institutional affiliation *
Work address
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Phone number
Your web page
Your Twitter handle
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Fields of interest (be as specific as you wish) *
Do you want your member profile and contact information to be included in the AAUS online Member Directory? This directory is only accessible to other AAUS members via AAUS website. Your home address will not be included. *
Do you want your information to be included in the publicly searchable "find an expert" database on the AAUS website? Your home addresses will not be included in this directory.  You may be contacted by the media and other interested parties if you opt in. *
If paying by check, please make your check payable to American Association for Ukrainian Studies and mail to: Ostap Kin, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 71 Hamilton Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
Any additional information you wish to provide to the AAUS:
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