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Mississippi Farm Girl - Piglet Waitlist Form
Thanks so much for your interest in owning a MS Farm Girl piglet. Please fill out the form below to join the waitlist for our upcoming litters!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Do you prefer texts or phone calls? *
Have you ever owned a piglet before? *
Please let me know what you're looking for! *
Piglets require a safe pen with plenty of fresh grass, water, and shade. Do you have fencing that is secure for a tiny pig that they can not get out of? *
In the first few weeks after bringing home your piglet, I request that you bring them inside to stay in a small room with a dog crate to sleep as they adjust, with supervised playtime in their outside pen to be sure they are secure and can not get out. *
Are there any questions you have?
Thanks so much for filling out our application to join our wait list! I will be in touch with you soon!
To learn more about bringing home your little pig, please visit the blog!
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