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Roots of Success/Cunningham Consulting
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and Southern Middlesex Opportunity Council and Roxbury Community College worked in collaboration to design a program that helped women find jobs in the clean energy sector. Cunningham Consulting was hired to teach Roots of Success: Environmental Literacy Program. In my efforts to better serve my clients and program participants in the future. I created a seven question survey to help me better understand how to improve my services and training.
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What did you enjoy about Cunningham Consulting and Innovation ? *
What training modules impacted you the most? *
What was the most memorable moment during your sessions? *
What insight could you provide to improve Cunningham Consulting and Innovation ?
Would you recommend Cunningham Consulting and Innovation to other organizations ? *
What grounding activities did you enjoy the most?
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What are some parting words you would like to leave Cunningham Consulting and Innovation?
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