Partners' input on the Strategic Dissemination Plan
Partners are both SDP owners and target stakeholders. Requested -  Partner's input and comments on:
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1. Your role in the project and objectives for the SDP
2. Identified Target Stakeholders and Recommendations/Nominations for the Stakeholders' Board
3. SDP priority actions/deliverables for your Identified Stakeholders and synergies with corporate plan of actions (objectives, expected impacts, timeline)
4. Other appropriate activities/deliverables
Allocated Resources (Grant + Co-financing) by the partner for each deliverable (person- months) - input for table SDP Resources
6. Proposed strategic Collaborations for leveraging resources and capabilities
7. SDP organizational structure and implementation procedure issues (e.g. information security terms, publication policy, IP, etc.)
8. Recommendations for SDP Activities monitoring, quality control and impact benchmarking
9. Your needs and expectations as the end user of the SDP activities (e.g. training, on-line and off-line information you would like to have, workshops...)
10. Other identified issues
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