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Muhsen Families Potluck + Volunteer Appreciation
**This event is for Special needs Families and Individuals and Muhsen Volunteers/TAs Only**

As salam Alaikum Muhsen Families!

On behalf of MCF, the MCF Muhsen team would like to invite all families with Special Needs and Muhsen TA's and Volunteers for Muhsen Families social and potluck on Jan 28, 2022 ,1pm @ MCF.  We will have some stations for kids to engage in the presence of Muhsen Volunteers. You can get a dish to share only if you wish. 
Muhsen Volunteers and TA's have worked tirelessly over the past one year and we would like to felicitate them. We look forward to seeing you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to OR 
Text Sr Farha on (916) 582 2615 or Br Sarfaraz on (248) 795 9948

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How many adults will be attending ? *
How many children will be attending? *
Are you getting a dish to share? *
If yes, share which cuisine you are going to get, name of the dish and also how many people would it be for? 
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