The Age of Imperialism Test
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1. What is the term for the Seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country? *
1 point
2. What is the belief that one race is superior to another is called? *
1 point
3. What term describes that those who were the fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others? *
1 point
4. Fourteen European countries convened at what conference to lay down rules for the division of Africa? *
1 point
5. What is the name of the zulu chief who used highly disciplined warriors and a good military to create a centralized state in South Africa? *
1 point
6. What term is Dutch for “farmers”? *
1 point
7. British and Boers got involved in the first modern total war in Africa, in a conflict known as the South African War or what other name? *
1 point
8. What was the major source of wealth that lured Europeans to imperialize Africa? *
1 point
9. Name of the Doctor who is lost in the Congo and is later found on the shores of Lake Tanganyika? *
1 point
10. What is the term for a policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities? *
1 point
11. What policy was based on the idea that overtime, the local populations would adopt your culture and become more like you? *
1 point
12. What was the only African country to resist European imperialists? *
1 point
13. Who is the leader of the Ethiopians who would lead his country's resistance against European Imperialists? *
1 point
14. What are two types of control an imperialist country can use over another? *
1 point
15. The Crimean War was fought between which two states/empires? *
1 point
16. What is an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products is known as? *
1 point
17. What is the man-made waterway that cut through the Isthmus of Suez and connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean?   *
1 point
18. What is another term for Indian Soldiers? *
1 point
19. The British referred to India as its most valuable colony or its ___ in the  ____ *
1 point
20. In which country is the Suez Canal located? *
1 point
21. What was the name of the rebellion where Indian soldiers rebelled after hearing rumors their rifles were greased with beef and pork fat? *
1 point
22. What term Refers to British rule after India came under the British crown during the reign of Queen Victoria? *
1 point
23. What was the geopolitical struggle between Great Britain and Russia for Muslim lands in Central Asia called? *
1 point
24. Which term refers to lands around the edges of the Pacific Ocean? *
1 point
25. Which term refers to the taking or adding of territory to your own country? *
1 point
26. Americans wanted to annex Hawaii because of what industry? *
1 point
27. Who was the Filipino nationalist who claimed the U.S. had promised immediate independence after the Spanish American War Ended?   *
1 point
28. What Hawaiian Queen was removed from power after calling for a new constitution that would restore the political power of Hawaiians? *
1 point
29. What was the only country in the asia pacific rim to NOT be taken over by an imperial power? *
1 point
30. Who became President of the new Republic of Hawaii after the Queen was removed from power? *
1 point
Essay: What were the positive and negative effects of Colonial Rule in Africa? *
5 points
Extra credit: List the four forms of colonial control *
4 points
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