CCTS Online Personal Training Application
Thank you for choosing to apply for Online Personal Training with Confront & Conquer Training Systems! The purpose of this application is for me to get to know you better, learn more about your fitness goals and the challenges you've been facing, and ultimately see if you are a good fit for CCTS Online Personal Training. Congrats on taking the first step towards bettering your life through fitness. I can't wait to potentially work with you!
Email *
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Name *
First and last name
Your answer
Phone number *
Your answer
Tell me a little bit about your fitness journey. What does your current fitness routine look like? *
Your answer
What is your current height and weight? *
Your answer
CCTS Online Personal Training is designed for people who wholeheartedly are READY to take charge of their health, regain their confidence, and change their lives. Are you 100% READY and COMMITTED to this process? *
What is your age? *
Your answer
What are your current health and fitness goals?  *
Your answer
What has been the biggest challenge for you on your fitness journey so far? Check all that apply *
What have you done in the past to attempt to reach these goals? *
Your answer
What made you take the leap and reach out to Confront & Conquer Training Systems for help? *
Your answer
How soon are you willing to get started? *
How much are you able to invest in yourself and your health & fitness goals? *
If there is a CCTS Online Training Program that will 100% fit with your goals and your budget, are you ready and willing to invest in yourself? *
On a scale of 1-5, how ready are you to turn your goals into reality? (1 = not ready at all, 5 = VERY ready) *
If you are a good fit for one of the CCTS Online Personal Training Programs, would you prefer to do a virtual consultation (via Zoom) or a phone consultation? *
Is there any other information that I should know? (Past injuries, painful movements, illnesses, etc.) *
Your answer
What is your instagram handle? (If you don't have one, feel free to skip this question)
Your answer
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