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The 2024 FCS Upset Draft by Split Zone Duo
We'll keep track of the results all season. At the end, three first-place winners will get a special prize from SZD, with a tiebreaker carried out if necessary. 
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Name! (We may talk about you on the show, especially if you are in contention to win the FCS Upset Draft)  *
Email address! (Must be attached to your subscription) *
Pick three FCS teams to beat FBS teams. 

(They are sorted here by point value, and by week within that. Upsets that Game Maker Alex doesn't think are especially long shots are worth 3 points, while big shockers are worth 100. Some Easter eggs are included to encourage strategic thinking. We've sorted the games here by point value, so you can shop around at different price points. This sheet will let you pick as many teams as you want, but we can only count the first three that show up in our results.) 
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