Horizon Prayer Ministry Registration Form: 3001.15
The information requested below is for the confidential use of Dominion world Outreach Center (DWOC) and will not be released to any other person and /or organization.All information you provide is voluntarily submitted and will be treated as confidential.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Would you like to register two or more people?
Type first and last name of additional persons you are registering below.
(Ex. Mary Lamb, John Baptist, Sarah Abraham, etc. All email notifications regarding this event will be sent to the primary person completing this registration.)
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code *
(Ex. 1234 Salvation Way, Holy City, Heaven 22888)
Home Number *
(Ex. 111-222-1234)
Cell Number *
(Ex. 111-222-1234)
Email Address *
(All communication regarding the event will be sent via email so be sure to check regularly.)
Age (Minimum 13 yrs required) *
Marital Status *
Why do you wish to attend this ministry event? *
How did you hear about this ministry event or who referred you?
Is this your first ministry event at DWOC? *
Are you affiliated with a church, faith community or fellowship? *
Name of your church, faith community or fellowship (Please, include City and State.) *
(Example: Faith Fellowship Ministries, Decatur, GA. If none, enter "N/A")
Do you attend? *
Do you actively serve in ministry? If so, in what capacity? *
(Example: Pastor, Evangelist, Minister, Prayer/Altar Ministry, etc. If not, enter "N/A")
Do you need hotel accommodations?
(If so, someone will contact you regarding the hotel discount.)
Additional Comments
(Enter any questions, concerns, or any information we need to know to better serve you.)
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