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NEEHU 4/EEEHU 4 Vendor Signup
Do you want to vend at NEEHU 4 (March 30-April 3) in Hartford CT?

We want to keep vending mostly within the recreational hypnosis community, and of items that are of interest to the recreational hypnosis community. Do you sell shiny things? Tasty things? Sexy things? Light up things? Art? Are you a member of the hypno community who makes anything and is working to get to the convention? We are also open to larger vendors of sexy fashion, sex toys (especially ones that go with our tech theme), and BDSM stuff who would be interested in vending out of hotel rooms in our "Vendor's Row." We are expecting 100-200 attendees this year.

We ask that each vendor contribute an item to the volunteer raffle. No additional fees to vend.

We are happy to accept people vending online or in person, or a combination of both.

We will be having a Party Floor with vendor rooms this year, COVID permitting.
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Email *
Who are you? *
Scene name/Discord name.
What are you selling? *
Price range of items you sell? *
Do you plan to vend out of your room? *
Are you a hypnokinkster?
While our primary goal is to help members of the hypnokink community pay for their con with vending, we are accepting vendors who are not hypnokinksters who have items to vend that our community would like to purchase (corsets!) or fits the theme of our event (FOR SCIENCE!)
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