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How well do you think EA handled the FTX scandal?
Near the end of 2022, there was a large scandal involving FTX that also directly impacted EA in a lot of ways. In the wake of the scandal, many forum posts were written, tweets were tweeted, memes were posted, arguments were had, and important decisions were made.

In your personal opinion, did the EA community handle this scandal approximately as well as they could have handled it? A "1" means you think it was handled terribly, a 3 is about the average for scandals involving other professional organizations, and a 5 means you think it was near perfect and could only have minor improvements.

This question is only about EA behavior and decisions made as a result of the scandal after it happened. It is not about anything that occurred prior to the scandal, such as anyone's failure to see it coming.

Please feel free to share this poll with other effective altruists you know. Please do not share it with anyone who's significantly outside the community; the intention is to gauge how EA felt they themselves handled the situation, not how outsiders felt about it.
How well do you think EA handled the FTX scandal? A "1" means you think it was handled terribly, a 3 is about the average for scandals involving other professional organizations, and a 5 means you think it was near perfect and could only have minor improvements. *
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