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Preterm Birth Pathway
Ourselves (MNVP) and North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, in collaboration with the charity Leo's, would like to explore your experience of accessing the Preterm Prevention Clinics at North Tees and Hartlepool Hospitals.  We particularly want to hear how we can make this experience better for families.  We would love to hear from families that have accessed this in the past or that are accessing it currently.  We would also like to hear from all family members who are able and willing to complete the survey.

Please add any further details in the comments box at the end.

If you wish to end your participation, please do so by closing the window / your browser.  Once the responses have been submitted, they will be anonymised, and it will not be possible to withdraw individual data.

If you would like the opportunity to reflect on your pregnancy and / or birth experience, please contact NT&H Reflections Service on 01642 382718 or email

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I confirm that I have read and understood the information above, and I consent to taking part in this online questionnaire.
Please tell us your role within the family (e.g. parent, grandparent, mother etc.). *
At which site did you receive or are you currently having your care? *
Is your experience within the Preterm Prevention Clinics: *
Are you aware that support for your wellbeing is available when accessing the preterm birth pathway? *
If yes, how did you find out about the wellbeing support available to you?
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While accessing the preterm birth pathway, how would you like to be informed about the wellbeing support available to you?
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What type of wellbeing support would you like to have access to?
Where are the areas you would like to see wellbeing support?
The Trust are working closely with Leo's Charity to provide additional emotional wellbeing support.  If there was a peer mentor available on the day of your Clinic, would you be happy to speak with them?
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There are some well known things that can improve outcomes for your baby if they were born early such as delaying the clamping of the cord and giving your baby maternal milk.  Would you like to know more about these?
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How would you like to receive this information?
Please share when you feel would be the best time to receive this information:
If you were able to see the same person for each ultrasound and antenatal clinic appointment after your first Consultant Appointment, would you be happy to travel to either North Tees or Hartlepool site for this?
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The Leo's team are trained in Newborn Behavioural Observation which aims to support parents in understanding the way your baby communicates with you through infant cues.  This is thought to support bonding and can be done from birth, including preterm, up to three months old.  Is this something you would be interested in learning more about?
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Please share any further comments on your experience of the preterm birth pathway.  We would welcome any suggestions for improvements and as well as any comments on what you feel went well.
Thank you so much for taking part.
Please follow your local MNVP page on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, by searching for @mvpnorthtees or 'North Tees and Hartlepool Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership'.  

There is also the opportunity to contact us directly through messaging the page or emailing

We would welcome anyone who wishes to be involved with the MNVP and encourage you to get in touch.

Please press submit to send your responses to our team.
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