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Fish Fry Fundraiser
The Friday Fish Fry will take place March 12, 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
The menu will include: Hand-battered Whiting Fish Fry, Chopped Salad, Baked Beans, & Home Baked Cookies
Gluten-free meal upon request!
Delivery, Curb-side take-out, and In-person eating options are available!
Your Free-will Donations & Tips will benefit RLC's Meals for Missions Ministry.

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Please List Your: Name, Phone Number, and Email *
How many people are in your party? *
How will you be participating in the Fish Fry Fundraiser *
If Using  Curbside Take - Out, Please select a time range.
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If Attending In Person  - Please select which time you will be attending
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If Requesting Delivery - Please List your delivery address  
If Requesting Delivery - Please select a time range for delivery *Note -  Delivery times may vary slightly
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If Requesting Delivery - Do you need Gluten Free Fish Fry
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