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Youth Volunteer Application Form Coaching and Tutoring at Elementary School

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Sports4Kids Youth Volunteer.

We provide soccer, basketball clinics once a week at our local low income elementary schools (3th to 5th graders).   

As a youth volunteer you will: 

- Earn volunteer hours 
- Give back to the community
- Have the opportunity to interact with some amazing kids
Qualifications: - Minimum 14 years of age - Must be comfortable engaging with youth in enrichment.

We invite you to join us to become that person that makes a positive impact for youth through sports. 

Horton Elementary School Basketball, Soccer Sessions (All are provided at the same time)

Tuesdays: 3:30- 4:30 pm (please see exact days below) Address: 5050 Guymon St, San Diego, CA 92102

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Email *
Full Name
What school are you currently attending
Your Grade 
Graduation Year
Please select ALL that apply
Times you can attend from 3:30 - 4:30 PM
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