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Assessment Quiz on webinar, entitled,   'A Call to Action: Uniting Tech Innovators, Policy Leaders and Businesses to Safeguard Digital Privacy

This assessment is only for those who attended the above webinar AND for those who wish to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs)/Professional Development Hours (PDHs).  Note: 1 CEU = 10 PDH.  If you already have taken the assessment from a previous correspondence, you do not have to take this assessment again.

Please complete the survey and this assessment within 2 weeks, 21 May 2024.  

Here are some resources related to the webinar:

2. Recorded You Tube video:




As a reminder, you need to send your evaluation and notify that you completed the assessment quiz to Dr. John Santiago at

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VIDEO:  A Call to Action: Uniting Tech Innovators, Policy Leaders and Businesses to Safeguard Digital Privacy
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Email address to send results of assessment quiz and certificate. *
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1.  True/False The "notice and choice" model of privacy protection places the burden on individuals to make informed decisions about data collection and use.

1 point
2.  True/False: Digital privacy is not a significant concern in today's society. *
1 point
3.  Privacy by design aims to integrate privacy considerations into the design and operation of systems and practices rather than adding them later.
1 point
4. Which organization released a cybersecurity framework that includes privacy considerations? *
1 point
5.   The webinar emphasizes the importance of collaboration between technologists and policymakers in addressing digital privacy issues. *
1 point

6.  Third-party tracking technologies have no impact on an individual's digital privacy.

1 point
7.  The concept of differential privacy ensures that data released by an organization does not reveal information about any specific individual. *
1 point

8.  Privacy regulations are consistent and uniform across all countries and regions.

1 point
9.   Which of the following is NOT one of the three pillars of privacy management mentioned in the webinar? *
1 point

10.  Implementing strong encryption measures is not necessary for protecting digital privacy.

1 point
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